Red foot humidity/ exercise.


New Member
Jan 2, 2014
So I keep them at the high humidity when they are in the tank. But I like to let them out a few times a day to run around my room for a bit of exercise. But obviously my room is colder and less humid than their tank. Is this a problem for short bursts of "tortoise adventure time" as we have taken to calling it? Do they even need that exercise?


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Don't let them out. They can pick up nasty stuff from the floor. What size is your enclosure?

I posted on your red foot food requesting thread by the way. I have zoo med forest tortoise food for sale. The komodo stuff has poor ingredients compared to mazuri and zoo med.


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Can't advise you NOT to give them play time, as all of mine get turns being loose, since it's far too cold and we outside. [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

FLINTUS is correct, redfoots and even Sulcata will eat everything they come across on the floor, from lint, dirt, to staples. I've seen X-rays of crazy stuff they've ingested. So sweep or vacuum first, make sure cords are away from curious mouths, and supervise. I believe the need for exercise and stimulation is too great, so just be fastidious in your cleaning for them, and anticipate trouble... Redfoot will find it! My three are quite the learning experience!!

The cooler temps are fine for a few hours. Check your floor temps first. Mine is 70°. If it's really drafty, do a warm soak before putting them back in their enclosure (soaking is a good idea regardless). I've put mine outside in 40° because we had a rare full sun day and I wanted them to get real sunlight. I set a timer, and checked, then brought them in for soaks.


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Jan 2, 2014
The enclosure is four and a half foot by one and a half foot. How do you do the soak properly? Haven't soaked them before.


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They're 6 inches yeah? Red Foots are not massively active tortoises, but that is a bit small tbh. If you get a bigger enclosure-say 6 by 2ft or 6 by 3ft- then they can exercise in the correct conditions.
Soaking: Run the tap to get warm-not like bath temperature, but not lukewarm either- water and fill an opaque container about 2 times the length of the tortoise in width and length-so in this case about a foot by a foot for each tortoise(bathe separately) or bigger if you want. The water should be just above where the plastron-bottom of the shell- meets the carapace- top, half oval shape of the shell. Leave them in for about 15 minutes, or less if they start to become restless. To keep the water from getting cold, soak under the basking lamp-they generally enjoy this a lot- or use a heat mat controlled by a stat underneath the container.
As I said, check the thread where you were asking for pelleted food in the UK. I can post Monday.


New Member
Jan 2, 2014
I'm a little skint on cash at the moment. That's why I wasn't up for buying the food yet. But I'll defo give them a soak now. Thanks dude.


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That's fine but I do have limited amounts so can't guarantee it will be available when you're ready. I will try and hold some back though.


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image.jpgMy Redfoots are juvenile and smaller. They live in closed chambers of good size.
When it is too cold for them to go in their outside enclosure, I have just thought of a solution that is working.
I got his box at Sams. Costco and Smart and Final would also have these.
I put one in the bathroom, heater on. Do it after a morning shower and you have your humidity.
I toss some greens around and they seem to feel like they are grazing.
It seems to satisfy the desire to go exploring.
Just sharing something that is working for me.

image.jpgMy Redfoots are juvenile and smaller. They live in closed chambers of good size.
When it is too cold for them to go in their outside enclosure, I have just thought of a solution that is working.
I got his box at Sams. Costco and Smart and Final would also have these.
I put one in the bathroom, heater on. Do it after a morning shower and you have your humidity.
I toss some greens around and they seem to feel like they are grazing.
It seems to satisfy the desire to go exploring.
Just sharing something that is working for me.
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Great idea Kathyth