Question on mosses


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5 Year Member
Aug 26, 2012
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Hey everyone, I'm having difficulty finding information on toxicity of moss. I've searched here as well as google with no info other than spaghnum moss. I'm in the middle of building my tort table and I've ordered haircap and frog moss as well as a sheet moss that doesn't identify the species. It also includes a lichen. I should have looked this up before ordering, I just get really excited with new projects. This is for my redfoot and will be placed in the closed portion of her enclosure that has high humidity, very low light. I assume I wouldn't be able to keep it alive it the open, warmer part. Can anyone tell me if these are toxic? I don't think she would try to eat them, but you never know. I will be researching how to care for it, but I welcome any tips as I know very little about moss.

Yellow Turtle01

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Jun 12, 2013
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Live moss loves shadey, wet places, so it'll probably thrive! No, it doesn't like to be hot :( There are a lot of moss types found in the yard here, but sphagnum is the ONE I can't find :mad: and I always find it growing on damp logs and such, never in the sun!
I've never thought about toxicity of moss! Is that even a thing :confused:o_O??


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Jul 29, 2014
Live moss loves shadey, wet places, so it'll probably thrive! No, it doesn't like to be hot :( There are a lot of moss types found in the yard here, but sphagnum is the ONE I can't find :mad: and I always find it growing on damp logs and such, never in the sun!
I've never thought about toxicity of moss! Is that even a thing :confused:o_O??
I certainly hope not considering many of us use syphagnum moss for our torts & my torts have ingested moss many of times in the past. Ive witnessed from the other end. The one I use states it's completely natural, no dyes & chemicals! It's forest moss from ExoTerra, the 2 pack.

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