Preparing for holiday's.

Lady Ashthorn

New Member
Feb 26, 2021
Location (City and/or State)

I recently was given permission from my landlord to move my tortoise in with me (Ez has been staying with my parents since I moved). I have been posed with a possible dilemma; what am I going to do when I travel BACK to my parents' house WITHOUT Ez for visits once a month?

If anyone has any suggestions, I am looking into a pet sitter where I would take Ez to a reliable someone's home, but I would need a smaller enclosure to put Ez in while they are being boarded. I can't use their permanent enclosure as it is too big and bulky.

I'm looking in to wooden vivariums on amazon, or something I can put Ez in for a couple of days at a time. Has anyone used anything like this?

I don't want to get a glass vivarium because, a) they get too hot, b) Ez will get very anxious in an all-glass space, and c) I will most certainly break it as Murphys Law applies to me.

I want Ez to be comfortable and safe, while also being mindful of my students budget, as I will need to buy another CHE and Solar bulb.

Any help anyone can give me I would be much obliged. ??

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
It would help us to know a little bit about Ez.

Lady Ashthorn

New Member
Feb 26, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Oh, yes!

Ez is a 7 month old Redfoot tortoise, and we live in Canada if that helps. Please let me know what other information you need.