Please Help!(R.I.)

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5 Year Member
Feb 3, 2013
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"I got Rosie yesterday from the vivarium. She is a marginated tortoise. When I took her out to look at her, she started wheezing. Today, clear goo came out of her nose. I picked her up again to look at it (they told me not to take her out of the terrarium for a week once I put her in, but I was really worried), and when I picked her up again, she came out of her shell and sharted wheezing. AGAIN. I posted my 1st question about this on the forum. When people replied back, I did what some of them said and soaked her in warm water. When I got the water ready, I picked her up and she started wheezing again. Badly. I put her in the water and she went in her shell and slid right in. So, I poured some out and put her in again. Her legs stayed out, but, her head went in. Is this supposed to happen? Anyway, when I picked her up again, she exhaled and blew A SNOT BUBBLE OUT OF HER NOSE and started wheezing. AGAIN!!! I'm really worried. All she's been doing since about four or five is sitting under the heat lamp. I try to give her all the heat she needs, but it's hard without the under tank thingy (which we will be getting this week)... Either way, I'm terrified that I'm going to loose her. I've only had her for two days, but just thinking about it makes me all choked up and sad... Should I give her back and get a new tortoise? Should I try to treat her myself? Should I take her to the emergency place? She already has a pyramided shell... Can somebody please help me, I REALLY need it..." I said in a sad, worried voice. 😢😥


5 Year Member
Apr 30, 2012
RE: Please Help!

I am afraid she has URI(upper respiratory infection),but don't worry few visits to the "good" reptile vet ASAP and she will be fine .But don't give her back as you have taken her responsibility.Till the vet vet visit keep her warm and give her warm soaks twice a day.


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RE: Please Help!

I hate to hear this. When you get home
from school today, please let us know
how Rosie did thru the night....and how she
is today. Do you have a vet near you? Sounds
like she needs to go! Hang in there!

Yvonne G

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RE: Please Help!

I think you need to take this tortoise back to the Vivarium. They've sold you a sick tortoise.


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if you want, you can take her to the vet asap to start her on antibiotics. If she should get worse after treating her, can you return her for a refund?


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5 Year Member
Feb 6, 2013
RE: Please Help!

If you take her back to the Vivarium she will surely die! How could you turn a living creature back to the same people who cared nothing for her in the first place. Keep your tortoise and find the best vet you can. I would then take matters in having the Vivarium pay for all vet bills. I'm so sorry to hear that your tortoise is ill. Hopefully with some TLC and lots of care she pulls through. Good Luck and keep us posted.
emysemys said:
I think you need to take this tortoise back to the Vivarium. They've sold you a sick tortoise.

If you take her back to the Vivarium she will surely die! How could you turn a living creature back to the same people who cared nothing for her in the first place. Keep your tortoise and find the best vet you can. I would then take matters in having the Vivarium pay for all vet bills. I'm so sorry to hear that your tortoise is ill. Hopefully with some TLC and lots of care she pulls through. Good Luck and keep us posted.
emysemys said:
I think you need to take this tortoise back to the Vivarium. They've sold you a sick tortoise.


5 Year Member
Feb 3, 2013
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Oh no... Should I feed her anything special? I have kale, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, broccoli, and I think oranges.


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You should keep her. Mitigate the issues and develop a good sense of obligation to becoming a new tortoise owner. Unfortunately this happened to you, as it happens a lot. You can rid of the issues with many remedies. I would have to say taking her back would be the tortoises ultimate demise. Respiratory infections take some time to get and sometimes longer to completely rid of. Is she eating at all?

You can follow these steps to getting her healthy again. Warm water soaks with vitamins and nutrients in it will help a lot. The key to succumbing a RI is heat. if you can get that under tank heater ASAP and stabilize the temps to minimum warmth around 80-85 day and night. Its not something that will vanish over night, but may take some time. If she is eating then its not that bad. It if worsens veterinarian assistance is wise, as it can lead to further ailments like Pseudomonas and bacterial pneumonia. It will be alright. you can follow the steps of this thread I did and ask any questions if you need to. Good luck

Here is a thread on RI
Here is a good thread on what to use when soaking her in too. Pedialyte is a good vitamin source to add in the water so is baby food, and carrot juice from canned carrots to boost the immune system.

Yvonne G

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The East Bay Vivarium in Berkeley, California has an excellent reputation. There would be nothing wrong with returning the tortoise to them. They would not let it die, as they have veterinarians at their disposal. Why would you make this member feel guilty for returning a defective product to the seller? If it were any other defective product there would be no hesitation in returning it. Chinque is a brand new member here with hardly any experience taking care of tortoises. To make this member feel guilty about returning the tortoise is to put quite a strain on them for caring for a sick tortoise that they have no experience doing. In my opinion, the best thing for Chinque and for the tortoise is to return it to the East Bay Vivarium.


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Thats a very good point Yvonne. I have never heard of that place. But if it does have a good reputation and good care, that is a very suitable option. Especially if the member feels out of means and methods to help the tort along. I was just giving as best advise i could. But taken into consideration the ailments may be very easy for you and I to deal with. It may not be the same for this member. Sorry if my advise was too over the top everyone. Yvonne does have a good point. Whatever may be hope the tort gets better back where it came from. Or we can always help out.


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Sep 16, 2012
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Hi Chinque!
I was wondering how Rosie is
doing today? I know this is not easy
for you and I am so sorry you are going
threw this!


5 Year Member
Feb 3, 2013
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Rosie is doing better today! She ate most of her kale and kibble bits and she is hanging out on the cool side of her terrarium underneath a fake plant right now! I soaked her last night and put a small cutting board over part of her terrarium to help keep the heat in, which I think helped A LOT. thanks for the advice, everybody, you guys helped a TON!! I really appreciate it and I know Rosie does, too!


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I would call the place where you got her and see if they have anything to say? Maybe try will. Offer a free vet visit? Worth a try...they did sell you a sick tort. Did they know this by telling you to keep her in her tank?


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I am so glad she is doing better.
Your post last night really worried me!
Sounds like you are doing everything
right. Maybe she just needed to get
all that stuff out of her nose! :)
Keep us posted, ok?

Levi the Leopard

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Oct 1, 2012
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Have you given her a basking spot yet?

Last I read (in one of your enclosure threads) you only provided night heat with a black light and a UVB tube during the day.

Tortoises need the warm basking temps during the day, especially when sick. This needs to be a top priority.


5 Year Member
Feb 3, 2013
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Okay, Amy, I'll keep you gout posted! I was really worried, too! Should I soak her again or let her be? She's in the cool side of the terrarium.


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I would just let her be for now.
How many has she had today(soaks)


5 Year Member
Feb 3, 2013
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She didn't have any soaks today, I don't think. I called the people at the Vivarium and they sounded worries about her. So, they told my mom and me to drive over there to drop off Rosie so they could board her for FREE! They are giving her check-ups and stuff, so I'm not as worried and the guy said that I was taking really good care for her in her condition (with the runny nose, wheezing, and pyramided shell). I am calling them back tomorrow when I get home from school to see how she's doing and when we could pick her up--I can't wait when she gets home!!! I got an under-the-tank heating pad to keep her nice and toasty warm... Mmm... Cozy... And I got another thermometer for her tank, so I can measure the warm and cold sides of it. Also, I found a home for my leopard gecko, sophia. So, all in all, it's been a pretty good day to get stuff done!


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Great news!!!
That is very kind of them
to take her for awhile.
I bet you feel so much better! :)


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Well, im glad you decided to call..and im glad they decided to keep an eye on her, but what are their plans? Are they planning on treating her? Or are they trying to see what is going on? It sounds as if they are reputable...
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