Pics of little Levi's house

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10 Year Member!
Nov 8, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Columbia, SC
I think I've finally tweaked everything to to levi's liking. It's ended up as a sort of pseudo-closed chamber. I went with a heat emitter because our apartment has seriously shitty insulation so I needed the little extra heat boost. I decided the extra warmth and humidity won out over light since i take him out every day ( i had almost no humidity no matter what i did when i had a light and the whole left side of the box open). My free range beardie has her basking spot right next to Levi's house though so he gets a normal daylight cycle from that (in fact I started clipping it on to the side of his tank because it was easier than hanging it). If that's not ok please let me know I'm looking for input. :)

Sorry they are so dark the timer on my bearded dragon and leo's lights switched off before I got home.

I had just sprayed the sides with water so that's where the condensation came from, humidity has been a struggle.


Humid and dry hides, cuttlefish bone, basking rock in the hotspot and food/water dish (didn't want to take up more of his space with two dishes so I give him mazuri with chopped greens twice a day then clear it out when he's done, fill the dish with water and put a couple whole leaves on the edge for him to browse)

Humid hide

Plain topsoil under the dry hide

Maggie Cummings

There should not be any hay all over the substrate as it molds when wet. You want a damp or moist substrate and the hay is not working for me. The tub is too small even for that little baby. It is obvious you are trying hard, but he needs a bigger tub, no hay and a wet substrate...Try cypress mulch or fine grade orchid bark.


Active Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 8, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Columbia, SC
Thanks guys, that why I posted this.

Maggie, ok I though I'd read hay over topsoil was a good thing but I'm in the process of getting it all out right now and I've got a bag of cypress mulch on it's way from Amazon. And what size tub would you recommend? My day off is friday so I'll head to walmart and get a new one then, that's also the day the new mulch should get here.

ekm, I explained in the paragraph above the pics that he's sort of sharing a light with my bearded dragon because with both the light and the CHE I couldn't keep it humid...but in hind sight that's a little dumb and I only just changed it. When I get him a new box Friday, as mentioned above, I'll see if I can't find one that I can cut holes in the lid so I still have the closed chamber effect even with both fixtures.
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