Need some advice on a turtle matter

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5 Year Member
Apr 10, 2009
Location (City and/or State)
San Antonio, TX
Where I work, there is a pond full of albino catfish, koi and there are turtles. I work at an animal sanctuary. The head of the organization wants the turtles caught up and I guess relocated because she was told that they are eating baby ducks (she lives in New England, we are in south Texas). Someone also said something about an alligator snapping turtle, though I don't know if they've actually seen one. I know alligator snappers are listed as vulnerable.

IF the turtles are responsible for the disappearance of any ducklings, they're all wild animals, so I don't see what the problem is the head of the org doesn't seem to like anything that eats meat though. I am sure she'll want to protect the ducklings if she can. Though, removing the turtles will allow for more turtles to move in.

This place is also raided by lots of racoons at night. I bet they are the real culprits here. Any birds that have been released loose on the grounds (mostly chickens) have met their end very soon after arrival, most likely from the racoons.

I don't know why they are doing this now either. Any duck that has babies now, is going to lose them. It's winter. It's much too cold for baby ducks and relocating turtles. If the turtles are even really out now. Also, isn't relocating a turtle in the winter pretty much certain death for that turtle?

I just want to know if there is anything I can say besides this to try to convince them to leave them alone. If they decide to go ahead with it, does anyone know if there is anywhere else that I can go to try to get help? I don't want them to get away with killing a bunch of turtles to "protect" baby ducks that are part of nature.

I just want to know if there is ny

Yvonne G

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If I'm understanding you correctly, this is a pond where wild turtles have access. So I'm thinking that your Game & Fish laws would apply. Here in Calif. we are not allowed to catch our native turtle. Strictly against the law. So if your turtles are native turtles, maybe they are covered by regulations and should probably be relocated by a Rescue organization, and rules would apply. ???


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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While I know from personal exp. that RES eat baby birds, If they are wild native turtles to your area thn they should leave them alone, if they are an import species like RES in calif then they should be removed from the pond. If they are a natural species found in your area then the director may be breaking laws by removing them from the pond.


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Not sure where in New England this is, but most likely it would be legal to relocate the turtles. Not legal though to send them out of state.
I agree with you Nick that it is most likely Raccoons, Foxes or Coyotes that are taking the Chickens and anything else they are losing.
Common snapping turtles (which are native to New England) really aren't quick enough to catch many (if any) ducklings.
It's always a big misconception about that. They very well could be though eating the koi and catfish.
You'd have to fence off the pond to prevent any snapping turtle from coming back.
Yes you are right about moving animals at this time of year as they are hibernating now.



5 Year Member
Apr 10, 2009
Location (City and/or State)
San Antonio, TX
Thanks for the replies and ideas guys and gals.
I was thinking I probably should contact the Texas Parks and Wildlife department to really know what's allowed in Texas.

I was trying to say that the person who is in charge is in New England, but the place where I work and the turtles are in Texas. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

I am pretty certain that they will not research what to do or if they can legally do it. I know that there is a brand new turtle trap that was just put together.

There are also no baby ducks on the pond right now, I checked. I think the person here in tx that is in charge thinks that ducks sleep in the middle of the water in the pond.


even so.. the turtles must have access to that all-important sun.



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10 Year Member!
Mar 19, 2009
nickpanzee said:
the head of the org doesn't seem to like anything that eats meat though.

Ummmm, what does this person think that ducks eat?????????? Bugs, worms, slugs, fish, scavenging dead animals, and so forth - all made out of 'meat'... :rolleyes:
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