Need a tortoise for dummys 101 lesson.......

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5 Year Member
Jan 26, 2013
Hello! I'm new here and would love to pick ya'lls brains! thank you!

Our 12 yr old daughter wanted a turtle for her birthday. We got her a greek tortoise. (she hasn't received it yet, today is her birthday) I got one of those "exo-terra" lrg low tanks. I didn't like the styro foam wall that came w/ it and it also took up space, so I took it out and put a desert scene around the back and sides of the tank.

got all the bedding (2 inches deep, more so on the basking side of the tank) water thing so he can soak and drink, food bowl, hidey log, some plants, thermometers etc one of those mercury vapor all in one lights for basking and a basking perch. I think it looks really nice. Brought home the newest family member yesterday. Did a 20 min. soak in warm water then put him in his new home. He almost immediately went towards the basking area then started to crawl along the sides, bumping into the tank, like he's trying to get out. He's done that a lot. I know some have issues w/ glass tanks but I thought once they were covered and not clear, the problem would be solved. He hasn't eaten anything either, (I don't think, not sure) His food bowl is filled w/ fresh tortoise pellets and fresh spinach w/ a few chopped carrots in there too. He hasn't ventured over to the water either.

Is he just getting used to his new home? Feeling it out? I just want to be a good tortoise mommy and would like some reassurance. thank you!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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The bumping into the walls may just be him getting to know his boundaries. It could be his way of saying temperatures are not right for him. What are the high and low temps?

As for the eating is that what they were feeding him at the place he came from? Sometimes it's easiest to get them eating, if you serve them what they are use to. However not eating is fairly common in the first few days or week you have a new tortoise. He is otherwise active, eyes open, no bubbles correct? So not to much to worry about in my opinion. Both spinach and carrots are food items that should be fed in moderation. I would try other greens and weeds. Like turnip and collard greens, even spring mix or dandelions, clover, plantain, mulberry or grape leaves. Strive for a variety, not having to do that each day, but once type of green/weed is eaten up, try something else next time you get him food.


5 Year Member
Jan 26, 2013
The mercury vapor bulb is 125 Watts. It's hanging like 4 inches above the top of the enclosure. The temp is reading 85 and the humidity is reading 75. I've got a variety of things here ready for him to eat. I did ask what he was eating before and I got a big fat, "I don't know". He's the cutest lil thing! I did soak him this morning for about 15 min and he splashed around for a bit. I put him back and he immedately went to the basking spot and started routing around the sides of the tank again. He's hanging out under a plant right now. I've seen foods that will get their appetites going, wondering if I should try some of them. I know he's probably freaked and not sure where anything is, lol.


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it can take several days for a new tort to get use to his new home enough to eat. and some owners never see their torts actually use the water dish, but always offer it nonetheless. I'm guessing since you bought the tort at a pet store that he is full grown or at least an adult. directly under the basking light should be around 95F-100F. then gradually drop to around 70F on a cool side. also, for food, spinach should only be offered once in awhile. try things like collard, dandelion, mustard, turnip greens, kale, romaine, endive and water cress :)


5 Year Member
Jan 26, 2013
Thank you! I had my hubby go out and get some collard greens and kale. We've moved him into our daughters room now. She will be surprised w/ it when they come back from the 3D movie they went to see. I put a few cut up grapes in there, hoping to arouse his tastebuds. The temp in there is 95 on the basking side and about 75 on the other side. The water and food are on the cooler side, is that right? We also have a half log as his hidey hole but I've read a bunch of posts that say they don't like it much. What should I use that he would like? Also, do I soak him in warm water everyday?


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Aug 2, 2012
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Springfield, Massachusetts
jmhoesch said:
Thank you! I had my hubby go out and get some collard greens and kale. We've moved him into our daughters room now. She will be surprised w/ it when they come back from the 3D movie they went to see. I put a few cut up grapes in there, hoping to arouse his tastebuds. The temp in there is 95 on the basking side and about 75 on the other side. The water and food are on the cooler side, is that right? We also have a half log as his hidey hole but I've read a bunch of posts that say they don't like it much. What should I use that he would like? Also, do I soak him in warm water everyday?

keeping the food on the cool side means the leftovers will stay fresh longer :) and keeping the water on the warm side sometimes encourages warm baths. i see my leopard tortoise sitting in her giant water dish for 27 mins (yes, i timed it and was present the whole time) and then taking a giant poop :D i was sooooo proud.

and as for the hide, make sure he can fit under it without scraping his shell, haha. i had to get the next size up and use the old one as a hill, haha. you can also use plant pots; ceramic or plastic. either break it or bury it halfway under the substrate so it's like a cave :)

keeping the food on the cool side means the leftovers will stay fresh longer :) and keeping the water on the warm side sometimes encourages warm baths. i see my leopard tortoise sitting in her giant water dish for 27 mins (yes, i timed it and was present the whole time) and then taking a giant poop :D i was sooooo proud.

and as for the hide, make sure he can fit under it without scraping his shell, haha. i had to get the next size up and use the old one as a hill, haha. you can also use plant pots; ceramic or plastic. either break it or bury it halfway under the substrate so it's like a cave :)

and as for the soaks, if your tortoise is an adult (post pictures!) then maybe not everyday. at least a couple times a week and the constant water dish in the enclosure..


10 Year Member!
May 6, 2012
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Most of the tortoises you get from the pet stores are older, and can actually live outside for most of the year :)
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