My Sophia is eggbound and lethargic and old

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thea lester

5 Year Member
Jun 1, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
New Orleans, LA
So, my fellow chelonilovers, I am a total wreck this week as my dearest, oldest, female 3Toed Sophia who I've lived with for 28 years, is on death's doorstep I fear.
She is at least 40 years old, and I suspect she's older.
She came out of hibernation this year as hungry and vivacious as ever, had a good spring, and suddenly, 3 days ago, presented with what looks like a severe respiratory/eye infection.
I almost called 911 when I saw her Saturday morning. Literally. She looked that bad! I got myself together and called a local small animal vet hospital and brought her in immediately.
Shaking, throughout the entire ordeal, I told the vet her symptoms:
-Sudden onset of respiratory/eye problems
(gummy eyes, nose bubbles, apparently strained breathing)
-Nesting behavior throughout June
-Thought she was kinda walking funny last week
-New discoloration of her carapace on her rear lower left side
-Swollen tail
-No appetite
-Straining to pee in bath and not visibly drinking water
-Introduced a very healthy and curious new male 3Toed in May
-Last year she seemed to be eggbound this time of year, but she finally laid an egg

The vet diagnosed her as being eggbound after 2 X-Rays and told me the respiratory/eye problems are probably due to a Herpes Virus that flared up because of the stress of being eggbound and having a new male turtle in her habitat at the same time.
Sophia received a calcium injection to help calcify the eggs and induce contractions. I soak her 3 times a day for 1/2 hour and I've blocked off the other turtles (Juanita and Salvadore).
Vet suggested that Sophia hasn't been getting enough calcium in her diet and that could be the problem. I add calcium to their food, but only once a week, so calcium calcium calcium! She eats a lot of snails which I'm guessing have a fair amount of calcium, but esp. at her age I guess the calcium is key.

Getting a 2nd opinion tomorrow per the advice of a Zoo Herp Vet I was lucky enough to talk to. He suggested bloodwork and ultrasound. We talked about oxytocin injections but he was sceptical as to their efficacy.

Hate to stress her with a second vet visit, but if I don't do it, and the worst happens, I will always wonder.

Please if anyone has any input at all, I'd love to hear it. I love this turtle so much and I feel so lost watching her suffer.

Thanks y'all, sorry so long winded.

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Sorry to hear your turtle is sick hope everything turns out ok .

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She still has a appetite? I would sprinkle calcium on her food and also when my girls are gravid I put cuttle bone in the enclosure with them, they will nibble it. Keep her fairly warm not to hot tho. This way she can rest up and get healthy. I like to keep my enclosure at 80-85 ambient steady when one of mine are sick. Also warm soaks. This will help her stay hydrated and maybe stimulate her to lay. Even if she drops eggs in theater better then inside her. Keep us updated on her. She's still eating right? Has an appetite? Also how active?

thea lester

5 Year Member
Jun 1, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
New Orleans, LA
Millerlite said:
She still has a appetite? I would sprinkle calcium on her food and also when my girls are gravid I put cuttle bone in the enclosure with them, they will nibble it. Keep her fairly warm not to hot tho. This way she can rest up and get healthy. I like to keep my enclosure at 80-85 ambient steady when one of mine are sick. Also warm soaks. This will help her stay hydrated and maybe stimulate her to lay. Even if she drops eggs in theater better then inside her. Keep us updated on her. She's still eating right? Has an appetite? Also how active?

Nope. No appetite. Will add cuttlebone tomorrow. Won't even drink. Totally lethargic. It's hot here, 90'sF, so I've been watering her enclosure twice a day. Warm soaks 3 times daily. Sometimes she swims a little, sometimes she walks a few inches. I fear this is the end. Let y'all know more after the 2nd vet appt in the a.m.
Thanks for the replies, keep 'em coming. It helps to talk.


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Oh dear. I know how desperate we felt when Joe got so very sick. It is desperately hard to cope with. I wish you luck.


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I don't understand her needing calcium if she is egg bound. Sounds like she might need antibiotics to me.

Yvonne G

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Let her sit in the water as long as she wants to. Make her a bit warmer than normal. You didn't say whether she's indoors or outside, but bring her indoors into a small hospital tank. Keep her at about 85F degrees, but with a nice space for hiding from the light.

A note of explanation:

When a turtle is egg bound and the vet wants to administer oxytocin, he also administers calcium injection to be sure the retained eggs are calcified. Oxytocin doesn't work on all species of tortoise, so it might not work on box turtles either.


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Any luck with vet number two? Hydration is important when they are in a weak state also temps. Like above a little controlled enclosure works best.


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I would ask the vet if she got a shot of oxytocin with the calcium. If not, she needs to get that asap. In the meantime - I agree with Yvonne as to putting her in warm water and keeping her warmer than usual. If the oxytocin hasn't (or doesn't) work I believe they can aspirate the eggs. (I have no experience with aspitaring eggs though so I can't give you a lot of information.) I'm glad you're getting a second opinion - don't let this go on for too long. Good luck and keep us informed!


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Nov 17, 2012
In my experience if they at least "respond" in some way to worms being presented then there is hope. Even if they dont eat them as long as the perk up in some way, even for a short time, then it shows they sense they are hungry. If her eyes are clear enough to have decent vision and she does absolutely nothing when a nice juicy handful of worms are in front of her, it may indeed be the end. I hoping and praying for both you guys, that's a long time to have that special bond.

thea lester

5 Year Member
Jun 1, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
New Orleans, LA
Thanks Everybody! Vet #2 was much better! So is my Sophia. Major resp. infex. shes on antibiotics now. Vet #2 also says shes not eggbound. Shes still not eating, but shes more active and her eyes and nose are clearing up. So glad I got a 2nd opinion. She would've died if not. Thea


10 Year Member!
Aug 7, 2011
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Glad to hear you received the answers you needed. Hope she continues to improve!

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Alright,thats great news I hope everything will be back to normal soon for you guys.

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5 Year Member
Feb 19, 2013
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Upstate New York
Happy to hear that Sophia is coming around.
Fingers and toes crossed that she makes a full recovery very soon!


5 Year Member
Apr 11, 2013
My fingers are crossed glad you got the second opinion. Best wishes for a full recovery.


5 Year Member
Jun 8, 2013
I am glad I read through this whole thing I was going to give you some ideas to help her being egg bound. I had a bird for whatever reason had this issue her last 2 yrs we had her. Our vet had gave us some idea on how to help her pass them.

So glad though it sounds like everything is turning out much better. :)
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