Modifying Zoo med house

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Feb 5, 2011
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I suppose it will not help you now since you already have the glass, but if you need plexi in the future go to a plastics supply house.


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5 Year Member
Dec 12, 2012
Thanks for the tips. Home Depot and lowes were just too expensive. I may just seal the top up with wood since I don't need to look in through th top anymore.


5 Year Member
Mar 23, 2013
theelectraco said:
Jd3 said:
theelectraco said:
kjr153 said:
Home Depot does not cut plexi glass. Was just there this past weekend wanting some cut. They do however sell a tool that looks some what like a pizza cutter that cuts plexi. The tool was cheap, maybe $5. I didn't get it because I was scared I'd mess it up. Plexi is not cheap so I didn't want to take the chance.

I got that stupid little tool and don't see how they expect it to cut glass. I know its just suppose to score the glass and then u kind of crack the piece off, but that thing would barely cut the plastic packaging the glass had around it. I'm just going to buy some thin plexiglass and use a utility knife. I can't believe how expensive plexiglass is...everyone here has always said it was relatively cheap and that they cut it for you but my Home Depot charges $20 for barely 2 square feet and they don't cut. I don't think my HD will actually cut the plexi....they had no tables nearby to do it, just wood cutting stations.

You're supposed to remove the plastic sheeting when cutting glass.

Score on a flat surface, put a board under the line on "keep" side and tap the other. It is mindless and easy. YouTube has thousands of videos showing how.

Plus, glass won't scratch. Plexi will look terrible after an animal has scratched at it.

I'm not sure if you actually read what I wrote, because if you did you would realize what I said. There was no plastic sheet on the glass, I was talking about the plastic used for packaging. If it couldn't even cut that so I could remove it, then how do they expect it to score glass. Also, you would have noticed I already got glass so whether plexi would scratch is irrelevant.

Team Gomberg said:
keep showing updates! I'd like to see how it looks when it is all done :)

I wish I could remove the wire top, but its actually in between two sets of wood so I would need to rebuild that part which seems like too much work for me lol. I am thinking of removing the side panel used to add on another zoo med tortoise house and build an addition or a ramp to go down into my old enclosure and use it for my current tortoise. Well see. I'll keep everyone updated,

They don't cut glass though. They scratch/score it. Firm pressure and it will work. It would just scratch plastic too. They might be called glass cutters, but it isn't actually cutting.

I've used the same cutter for dozens of cuts. 3 bucks and they work and work. It is a pretty simple tool


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5 Year Member
Dec 12, 2012

Ended up buying a used one on Craigslist for $45. Still need to add a slidi door and pimp it out like the other half tho.

0.0.1 Red Foot
0.0.1 Crested Gecko
0.1.0 Dachshund

The guy I bought it off owns radiated and Aldabras....he lives right down the street from me....I want to ask to visit them lol.

0.0.1 Red Foot
0.0.1 Crested Gecko
0.1.0 Dachshund
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Levi the Leopard

10 Year Member!
Oct 1, 2012
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Southern Oregon
Did you have mold issues with the cabinet you converted? The one holding up the zoomed house?

sent while on my purple android TFOapp


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5 Year Member
Dec 12, 2012
Team Gomberg said:
Did you have mold issues with the cabinet you converted? The one holding up the zoomed house?

sent while on my purple android TFOapp

Yeah. I just have mold issues no matter what I do!!! Lol. I decided I'm gunna do a spray on liner in the inside and be done with this problem!

0.0.1 Red Foot
0.0.1 Crested Gecko
0.1.0 Dachshund


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 24, 2013
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OMG i was planing on doing the samething! i just got my zoomed tort house and i was like, this is boring! lol... I wanted to replace the sides w/ glass... you did a wonderful job!

im sorry but im going to have to copy you! =P Ill post pics once im done =)
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