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Mar 2, 2012
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Tropical South Texas
Thanks harris. As you know. These guys are just always characters, and perfect kodak moments all the time with mountains.


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Jan 5, 2011
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zone 7b
It gets very hot here in the summer months as well. Temps are mid 90s sometimes a little warmer here dropping to mid 80s at night. There may be no rain for 6-8weeks at a time during the summer and 100F does happen. All three species of manouria do very well outside. They have plenty of shade from a huge sweetgum tree. A deep layer of leaves and sticks is much appreciated during the heat when they are less active. There is plenty of bamboo growing with the MEE, they eat some of the fresh shoots in the spring. I spray them heavy a few times weekly and create puddles, they also have a few large saucers of water.
Mine MEE and MEP are housed in a homemade greenhouse over the winter. Their greenhouse pens are conected to their outdoor runs. I close them inside when night temps are going to drop below 45F. They slow way down during the winter with the short days and cool temps. The greenhouse drops to about 42F at night very often then may warm into the 50s or higher depending on the sun. Neither type has utilized any heat emiters offered so I no longer offer them. They did experience a few nights were it dipped to 33F with no issues a few years ago. I do not recomend trying this, I made some greenhouse modifications so this hopefully won't happen again.
My MEE group consists of 1 young adult WC male named Lemmy. He is my first manouria to encounter and I have had him 10 years now. In 2009 I got a group of hopefully 1.3 CB MEE. They were about 5-8inches SCL and now much bigger.Funny pertinant story when I got those 4 they climbed a 16" wall to get in with Lemmy. A few days after I got them I couldn't find 2 of them. The 2 I could find were near a corner looking up. I took the divider down. Lemmy didn't try to breed them until this year.
I have kept a single CB female MEP since 2009, she is now about 13yrs old. She is housed the same way and has grown likely 2.5" SCL since then.
I would not recomend keeping keeping very young manouria like this. I have never kept hatchling MEE or MEP just the impressa. They do seem relatively fragile as youngsters.

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Thanks, for all your help . So are these guys slow growers or do they get big fast like sulcata?

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
So how many inches a year? I have a outdoor set up that is about four foot by five foot. That is half covered that was for my baby red foot so how long do you think this would be good for? Before I would have to move him to a adult pen.
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