Little Molly needs help

Onee indah

New Member
Nov 6, 2017
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Hi everyone, I'm indah from Indonesia. I have this fresh water turtle named Molly, which has been inhabitting our back yard for 23 years. We don't really, like feed her or taking care of her. Most of the time she hidden somewhere damp and cool, and occasionally showed up. When she did, my mom put something to eat for her, like boiled egg or pellet or sometimes event rice. All these years she's doing fine, but yesterday morning, we found her severely injured from what we believe was rat bite. Little poor thing just lost both of her front paws and got some of her flesh ripped on back paws. We didn't know how long she has been in that condition, and it's so heartbreaking to see her like that. I tried to take her to the nearest vet, but he said he only treat cat and dog. He has no clue of how to handle turtle, left alone an injured one (the guy didn't event bother to take a look at the wounds !). So I did some research on Youtube for first aid. I learned that I need to clean up the wound with antiseptic and put some antibiotic on it. So I did that. I used this antispetic called biodin that I got from near by pet shop. The label said it's 100% natural, contained of redestilat coco liquid smoke. I don't know what the hell is that, but it smell like tobacco. Then I put this sagestam for antibiotic. I try to feed her, but she didn't want to eat, and became so passive. I only succed put a little chunk of worm by afternoon. This morning I tried to use revanol as the antiseptic, and Molly still didn't want to eat. I feel so worried because she looked like she's getting weaker, and the wound started to smell bad. So I try to look for other vet, and I found one. This one also didn't have a clue of how to handle turtle, but was nice enough to offered me to looked for the wound. So I brought Molly to him, and he was pretty much doing what I have done , but he gave Molly antibiotic shot for an add. And after a long and one sided conversation to temp her to eat, finally she ate some raw chicken meat and I feel there's hope. I don't know much about turtle, but now I'm willing to learn for Molly, and I will really apreaciate any sugestion to help her condition.

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Big Charlie

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Welcome to the forum. I'm so sorry to hear about Molly. She's lucky she has you looking out for her. I hope she pulls through.

Onee indah

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Nov 6, 2017
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Welcome to the forum. I'm so sorry to hear about Molly. She's lucky she has you looking out for her. I hope she pulls through.
Thank you, and yes, I hope so too... And I hope I'm doing the right things to her, coz I don't really now how to treat her condition and there's not much help from the vet here too... That's what brought me here... Some of the old threads really helped me on how to handle this condition...

no one

Hope she pulls true!! Poor Molly... a big tumbs up for all your effort. Sending good thoughts to you both.

Tidgy's Dad

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Onee indah

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Nov 6, 2017
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Hello,and a very warm welcome to Tortoise Forum to you and Molly. :)
A lot of us that come to the intro threads aren't so well up on turtles, so it is probably a good idea to post again here :
or in the health section :
I hope poor Molly soon makes a full recovery.
Thanks for caring so much.
Hi, thanks for the advice. I will try that, I really need some help here, coz I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not...

Yvonne G

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Hello,and a very warm welcome to Tortoise Forum to you and Molly. :)
A lot of us that come to the intro threads aren't so well up on turtles, so it is probably a good idea to post again here :
or in the health section :
I hope poor Molly soon makes a full recovery.
Thanks for caring so much.

Actually, I THINK that this is an asian box turtle, so it would be well served in the terrestrial turtle section. I noticed the OP has also posted in the health section. So this is good.

Tidgy's Dad

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Actually, I THINK that this is an asian box turtle, so it would be well served in the terrestrial turtle section. I noticed the OP has also posted in the health section. So this is good.
Oooops! :oops:
Well, I did say i didn't have a clue about turtles.
Thanks, Yvonne.:)


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Really hope she recovers. Thank you very much for trying to help her!


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Welcome to the forum! Thank you for trying to help this turtle.

Onee indah

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Nov 6, 2017
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Thanks you all... It's been 10 days since molly go attacked... The wound seems to heal, but she doesn't look ok... She got more passive, not willing to eat, It's been 3 days now.... I'm so frustrated... She got swollen eyes and foamy mouth... I did what the vet told me, clean her wound twice a day, put antibiotic cream... I put her in the water sometimes so she would eat... Then dry docking her... What did I do wrong... Please help :(


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Onee indah

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Foaming at the mouth is a bit concerning. Poisoning/overdose?

I was a bit nervous when you said an inexperienced reptile vet gave the turtle an antibiotic shot, as dosage is critical.

How do the wounds look after cleaning? Less gooey, I hope? < looks like your guy.
Food info:
Well, the wounds looks less goey... But I notice she has trouble to breath now... She open her mouth a lot... Like gasping for air...


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I am sorry for this situation, but we know you are doing your best for her!

Onee indah

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Nov 6, 2017
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I got good news and bad news. Goodnews is I finally found a good vet who understand exotic animal, bad news is, I just came back from his clinic, and he said there's a 50:50 chance that my Molly gonna make it. The wounds got rotten and it's bad, because it's like everywhere, front legs, back legs, and on his sides, eyes, nose... (oh, and by the way, the vet confirmed that Molly is a male)... And he suffered dehidration too... Because he's in a lot of pain he tends to not want to drink or eat. The vet gave him antibiotic shot and vitamin.. Cleaned his wounds and gave him IV fluid... And I have to take him there again for control in 3 days. So wish us luck... Too bad we didn't found this vet earlier... It could have been different for Molly..:(

Tidgy's Dad

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I got good news and bad news. Goodnews is I finally found a good vet who understand exotic animal, bad news is, I just came back from his clinic, and he said there's a 50:50 chance that my Molly gonna make it. The wounds got rotten and it's bad, because it's like everywhere, front legs, back legs, and on his sides, eyes, nose... (oh, and by the way, the vet confirmed that Molly is a male)... And he suffered dehidration too... Because he's in a lot of pain he tends to not want to drink or eat. The vet gave him antibiotic shot and vitamin.. Cleaned his wounds and gave him IV fluid... And I have to take him there again for control in 3 days. So wish us luck... Too bad we didn't found this vet earlier... It could have been different for Molly..:(
Sending all my best wishes to Molly.
Do not let the vet give any more vitamin injections.
They do more harm than good.


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Sending strong get better wishes to Molly!

Onee indah

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Nov 6, 2017
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Guys... I'm sorry... Molly didn't make it... T_T ... I feel so sad but also relief... At least he's not in pain anymore... My poor Molly has rested in peace... Thank you for all of your supports...

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