Lazy tortoise?


Active Member
Jun 26, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
North Carolina
Hello everyone! Lately (Since last week or so) my Russian tort has been a little lazy. In the morning, he comes out of his hide like normal, sits under his heating lamp, eats his food (all of it), but then goes back in his hide and sleeps. He comes out around 1-2 times but only for a little, and stopped his pacing which he usually does later in the day. He also moves less, like a few steps in a few minutes and doesn’t walk around his tank or climbs his hide like normal. Is he just being lazy or is this something to worry about? Also, can tortoises get bored or depressed? He doesn’t look sick though, here is a picture of his face.


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Mar 16, 2020
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Sounds like a normal tortoise enjoying life. I would check your set up, substrate, heat, light, calcium, diet, water etc... if all ok and he is healthy then that is good. I added low rocks in the enclosure and made it so it can not see end to end in the enclosure, they like to wander.

Looking at the pic he does look dry so introduce shallow warm water soaks in a high sided container for 30 mins this will increase hydration and body motons. I also recommend coconut oli on the shell to moisturise.


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The tank is too small. Even not being able to see it I know it's too small. An adult Russian needs a minimum of a 4x8 foot enclosure. A stressed tortoise won't be moving much and too small an enclosure can do that. It also can make them sick as they can't move/roam enough to keep their insides working properly.
Also what are the actual temps?
All over?
How much do you feed him? Should be enough he can graze all day?
What do you feed him?
Does he have a proper clay saucer water dish?
I suggest reading the care sheet for Russians under the Mediterranean section and making needed changes ASAP.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
North Carolina
We are moving in 2 weeks to North Carolina. Once there, I will make the changes needed. We will buy an ikea closet without the doors for the tank. Under his heating lamp, its around 90 degrees. His lamps are turned off at night. I feed him a pile of arugula, weeds from the garden, butter lettuce, and some carrots or peppers sprinkled on his food to not throw him off (he got this new diet recently, and took to it nicely on the first day). After we move, I will get him a good clay saucer.

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