Indian star hatchling SICK ?


New Member
Oct 25, 2020
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She has since opened her eyes And was doing really well with the soaking but now when I try to soak her I cannot because she won’t lift her head. Even when she’s trying to crawl out of her basking spot she’s pretty much dragging her head as though she cannot hold it up. I’m afraid that during one of her soaks she may have gotten water in her lungs. 😫


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New Member
Oct 25, 2020
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She has since opened her eyes And was doing really well with the soaking but now when I try to soak her I cannot because she won’t lift her head. Even when she’s trying to crawl out of her basking spot she’s pretty much dragging her head as though she cannot hold it up. I’m afraid that during one of her soaks she may have gotten water in her lungs. 😫
@Tom @zovick


Active Member
May 19, 2021
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I have an Indian star hatchling now for about a month. She was about a month old when I got her and she’s been super active eating great and everything was fine. Two days ago I noticed she didn’t move all day or open her eyes. I gave her a warm soak and put her back in her enclosure. I noticed that day she started to move around a bit and even ate a little bit but she never opened her eyes. I got a cotton swab and rubbed her eyes with some warm water at which Point she open them for a little bit but then closed them again. Yesterday she didn’t eat at all nor open her eyes or move. I removed all substrate and everything from her enclosure except for damp paper towels. This morning when I woke up she hadn’t moved but she had green diarrhea at her butt. I cleaned her up and gave her another soak. I just put her back in her enclosure for the past half hour in front of her food and she hasn’t moved but again green diarrhea. I’m not sure what’s going on with her but I’m getting a little nervouse. Any ideas?
I have an Indian Star also. He was the size of a quarter when I got him and weighed .65oz at 2 months. He now is 10 months and weighs 2.95oz and is 4”. I new nothing about these tortoises. The good people here on this forum gave great advice. The biggest thing they expressed was heat and humidity. VERY VERY important. I covered my baby’s tank with foil. I cut holes in the foil for his daytime basking lamp with an incandescent flood bulb and ceramic heat lamp I use at night. I keep the humidity 85-100 and temps at 90. If he wants to get cooler he can go to the opposite side of the tank.
As far as the calcium powder the direction on my Rep-Cal was recommended and only a tiny bit barely seen. I gave my Star a cuttlebone which he loves. He is thriving beautifully. I sincerely hope your little one pulls through. Keep asking questions. My little Star most likely would not have made it if it weren’t for these knowledgeable folks here in tis forum that are generous with their knowledge.

The Tortoise Hut

New Member
Jan 9, 2022
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Mesa, AZ
I have an Indian star hatchling now for about a month. She was about a month old when I got her and she’s been super active eating great and everything was fine. Two days ago I noticed she didn’t move all day or open her eyes. I gave her a warm soak and put her back in her enclosure. I noticed that day she started to move around a bit and even ate a little bit but she never opened her eyes. I got a cotton swab and rubbed her eyes with some warm water at which Point she open them for a little bit but then closed them again. Yesterday she didn’t eat at all nor open her eyes or move. I removed all substrate and everything from her enclosure except for damp paper towels. This morning when I woke up she hadn’t moved but she had green diarrhea at her butt. I cleaned her up and gave her another soak. I just put her back in her enclosure for the past half hour in front of her food and she hasn’t moved but again green diarrhea. I’m not sure what’s going on with her but I’m getting a little nervouse. Any ideas?

The Tortoise Hut

New Member
Jan 9, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Mesa, AZ
Hello, I had a similar situation recently with one of my new Burmese stars. I immediately quarantined mine. I put her in a plastic tote with damp paper towels . Kept the temperature between 85-90 decrees and kept the paper towels damp. I started soaking her 3xs a day in diluted mazori water. I also took her to the vet and she was prescribed Enrofloxacin injections. 1 shot every 48 hours for two weeks. She was diagnosed with a respiratory infection. She also had diarrhea. She had stopped eating and was not active at all. After the antibiotics started kicking in, she started eating and pooping again. I kept up the soaks 3xs a day for a couple of weeks. Then backed down to 2 soaks a day and now after a month she is back to 1 water soak a day with normal feedings. She is active and eating like a piggy. When I got her she weighed 32g and when she got sick she went down to 26g! Now she is at 33g. It was a lot of work but you can turn it around. I really recommend you taking your tort to the vet. The sooner the treatment starts the better chance your tortoise has for survival.