Hey, I'm new here :)

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5 Year Member
Mar 8, 2012
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Liverpool, UK
Hello guys, My name is George, I am new to raising tortoises and I'm here to learn more as well as to see how you guys work :)
My tortoise is called Terry, He's 3 years old turning 4 in April, he's a Spur-thighed tortoise and he wanted to say hello,



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Welcome to the Forum :D and handsome tortoise :D

Maybe you can tell us a little about the way you have your enclosure set up? Lights, substrate and type if enclosure...we just love to know :p


New Member
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Mar 8, 2012
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Liverpool, UK
Hi man, my enclosure isn't top notch at the moment, I'm working on building something for him long term, so at the moment, he's in a medium sized vivarium with a UVB light, heat mat and a 60watt above his water, at the moment his viv is lined with wood shaving as I only got him yesterday from a friend, his previous owners were very good with him but their child was scared of him so I decided to take him off their hands.

I live in the UK and my outdoor space is pretty much a no-go so I want to build something big for him indoor that will sustain him for a while :)



Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Welcome to both TFO and to tortoise keeping! I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how attached you become and how interesting these creatures truly are. :tort:


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 7, 2012
Hi I'm also new and haven't yet got my tortoises. I am building an area in my garden for my Herman tortoises and have an indoor table for them with the lights etc. Is there a good web site for plants they can eat with pictures?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
mandyyoung said:
Hi I'm also new and haven't yet got my tortoises. I am building an area in my garden for my Herman tortoises and have an indoor table for them with the lights etc. Is there a good web site for plants they can eat with pictures?

Hi Mandy! Welcome to TFO. It would be really nice if you started your own new introduction thread to tell us a bit about yourself and your tortoise plans. As to a good plant site, you might try Tortoise table. Sorry I don't have a link to it right this second.

Yvonne G

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Hi George:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

I see that you have a mylar heat strip on the wall of the habitat. If you change your substrate to something that can get wet, like orchid bark or cypress mulch or coconut coir, then you can put that mylar strip on the bottom of the habitat, and put the moist substrate on top of it. The heat rising through the moisture causes the air to be humid, and one of the reasons your new guy is so bumpy is because he needs a little moisture in his air. The previous owner might not have soaked him as often as he should have either.

Terry has a beautiful, inquisitive face. Thank you for sharing your picture with us.


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 8, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Liverpool, UK
Hi again, thanks for the warm welcome, Terry has settled in nicely, hes very inquisitive and dare I say "fast" !! I have managed to build him a bigger home, the depth is not as big as I would have liked, but to be honest he just wants to be out of there once hes eaten his breakfast, I do put him back in once he's worn himself out and "ran" under the china cabinet to go asleep. I'm a little scared about putting his heat mat under the orchid bark, as he is a scratcher, afraid he will electrocute himself!! Any other suggestions or much reassurance would be appreciated. Thanks
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