Fussy eater


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
May 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Bristol Uk
I can't get my 1 yr old tort to eat any kind of veg greens, he/she will eat lambs lettuce, raddichio and romain lettuce, I do give him/her a couple pellets of mazuri as well.
I've tried cutting up make really small and adding it to the food he/she eats but still no joy, anybody have any ideas?


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10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Chop the newer foods smaller then the others. Spritz with water and even add soak mazuri smeared into the mix. If they can't pick and choose then they have to eat it all.
You must be persistent and not cave in. Some adjust faster then others.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
New Jersey
I can't get my 1 yr old tort to eat any kind of veg greens...
What are you trying to include on the menu? The greens you are using now are good. The easiest thing to do is to add small bits of a single related item at at time (curly endive, or dandelion, forex)...too many new odors are off-putting as torts decide what to eat with their sense of smell.

In the wild, tortoise females lay their eggs near a food source. When the hatchlings emerge, they start to graze plants nearby. In time, their interest in new plants fades as instincts to prevent poisoning take over.

If a breeder does not offer wee ones a large variety, they can become choosy very fast since their instincts to not poison themselves will kick in and prevent them trying new plants in their new homes.

The issue requires some patience and persistence. Torts can learn to eat new things, they just have to have them introduced slowly, and over a long period of time in cases.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
New York
I can't get my 1 yr old tort to eat any kind of veg greens, he/she will eat lambs lettuce, raddichio and romain lettuce, I do give him/her a couple pellets of mazuri as well.
I've tried cutting up make really small and adding it to the food he/she eats but still no joy, anybody have any ideas?
For what it's worth, if you pick your own er, weeds ? and can find plants growing in the shade (like dandelion and clover), they will be less bitter than those growing in the full sun. Also, my critters prefer "rapidly growing" plants - meaning they get the right amount of sun, water, and room to grow. Plants that are "stressed" (too much or not enough sun and/or water, crowded by other plants nearby), they don't grow as nicely and don't make for as good eatin'.


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Mar 16, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
London, UK
They are grazers so as long as food is available all day eventually they will eat other things. I cut up and mix all together so a mixed fresh salad has always worked for me.