Fruits and Veggies bad? Why so?

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Mar 28, 2012
People say to keep your tort on a leafy green diet, which i do, but why is feeding fruits and vegetables bad for it?


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It depends on your tortoise specie.

Testudo (Russuans, Greeks, Marginated, etc) process sugar poorly and this causes health problems.

These tortoises should ideally never be fed sugary foods. This means fruit is out. Others that have sugar content are tomato, bell pepper and carrot.

Pulses such as beans and peas should also not be fed. The leaves of the plant are fine, but not the pods.

Look up plants in your garden and shops in The Tortoise Table plant database. It will tell you what is suitable (or not) as food and tell you why.


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Sulcatas primarily eat grasses and greens. Almost like a miniature cow with a shell. Their diet requires very little else in the way of fruits and "actual" vegetables. And like JoesMum said, similar to the Testudo species, they do not process those types of food well.

Occasionally (no more than once a week?) shouldn't be an issue for a healthy sulcata being cared for properly.


5 Year Member
May 18, 2012
I agree completely. I only give my large male fruit maybe once every month. Usually as a treat on a holiday. Example on memorial day he ate watermelon. Ideally they should only graze. Digesting fruit throws off the acid in their stomach.


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Apr 21, 2012
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This is an interesting conversation as I was given much grief on a Facebook Group for giving watermelon to my guys (Sulcata) on Memorial Day. I just got in my copy of 'The Crying Tortoise' and it has some very interesting information on the feeding habits of Sulcata in the wild. One of the very items they mention them eating is water melon! I only give it on occasion (that was actually the first time) however, after reading this book, I have a feeling it may not be as terrible as some lead you to believe again on occasion.



5 Year Member
May 30, 2010
Islandsaints said:
This is an interesting conversation as I was given much grief on a Facebook Group for giving watermelon to my guys (Sulcata) on Memorial Day. I just got in my copy of 'The Crying Tortoise' and it has some very interesting information on the feeding habits of Sulcata in the wild. One of the very items they mention them eating is water melon! I only give it on occasion (that was actually the first time) however, after reading this book, I have a feeling it may not be as terrible as some lead you to believe again on occasion.


That is very interesting. Not sure about the sugar deal and their digestion but watermelons have their pros and cons im sure. I know they are packed with vitamins and stuff and full of h2O which must be beneficially somehow. No?


The Dog Trainer
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The best diet for a sulcata is grasses and leafy green weeds. They are certainly opportunists and will eat just about anything they can find. The problem with most "veggies" is that they are too high in moisture content and too low in fiber. Often they also have the wrong balance of nutrients like calcium and phosphorous. The problem with fruit is all of the above plus fruits are just loaded with sugar. If a wild sulcata finds fruit on the ground, he will eat it for sure. But that doesn't mean it's good for him. If I find some chocolate chip cookie dough or some ice cream with magic shell on my kitchen counter, I'm going to eat it. With gusto. But it is still not "good" for me. A little fruit or veggies once in a while for a large tortoise probably won't hurt a thing, BUT it is not good for them, and it is taking up the stomach space from whatever they SHOULD be eating that IS good for them.


5 Year Member
May 30, 2010
Tom said:
The best diet for a sulcata is grasses and leafy green weeds. They are certainly opportunists and will eat just about anything they can find. The problem with most "veggies" is that they are too high in moisture content and too low in fiber. Often they also have the wrong balance of nutrients like calcium and phosphorous. The problem with fruit is all of the above plus fruits are just loaded with sugar. If a wild sulcata finds fruit on the ground, he will eat it for sure. But that doesn't mean it's good for him. If I find some chocolate chip cookie dough or some ice cream with magic shell on my kitchen counter, I'm going to eat it. With gusto. But it is still not "good" for me. A little fruit or veggies once in a while for a large tortoise probably won't hurt a thing, BUT it is not good for them, and it is taking up the stomach space from whatever they SHOULD be eating that IS good for them.


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