Feeding A Hermann

Matthew Morris

New Member
Jun 29, 2016
Hello, I'm just after what other people feed there tortoises? As due to the lack of calcium my tortoise became week although I was using the powder it didn't seem to take any affect, he is getting better as the vet gave me liquid calcium to put directly into his mouth.
I currently feed him kale, rocket and cabbage.
Is there anything else I can feed him?


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Hello, I'm just after what other people feed there tortoises? As due to the lack of calcium my tortoise became week although I was using the powder it didn't seem to take any affect, he is getting better as the vet gave me liquid calcium to put directly into his mouth.
I currently feed him kale, rocket and cabbage.
Is there anything else I can feed him?

Hello and welcome.

Rocket and kale are okay to feed once in a while, but not great as a mainstay. I would mostly avoid cabbage. Also, calcium supplementation should only be given a couple of times a week, as too much, too often interferes with the absorption of other important minerals and trace elements. All the calcium in the world will do no good at all if your tortoise does not have a good UV source. You didn't mention UV. What are you using for UV?

Here are some food suggestions:
Mulberry leaves
Grape vine leaves
Hibiscus leaves
African hibiscus leaves
Blue hibiscus leaves
Rose of Sharon leaves
Rose leaves
Cape honeysuckle
Leaves and blooms from any squash plant, like pumpkin, cucumber, summer squash, etc...
Young spineless opuntia cactus pads

There are soooooooo many...
Smooth Sow thistle
Prickly Sow thistle
Milk thistle
Goat head weed
Cats ear
Wild onion
Wild mustard
Wild Garlic
Broadleaf plantain
Narrow leaf plantain
Chick weed

Other good stuff:
"Testudo Seed Mix" from http://www.tortoisesupply.com/SeedMixes
Pasture mixes or other seeds from http://www.groworganic.com/seeds.html
Homegrown alfalfa
Mazuri Tortoise Chow
ZooMed Grassland Tortoise Food

These might help too:

Care is the same for horsfields and hermanni:

Matthew Morris

New Member
Jun 29, 2016
Hello Tom,
Thank you for your reply, regarding the UV I am currently using a 125W Solar Glo from ExoTerra, the vet said it is one of the best to use.
And thank you for the reply on the food I will look into getting some different types for them.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Hello Tom,
Thank you for your reply, regarding the UV I am currently using a 125W Solar Glo from ExoTerra, the vet said it is one of the best to use.
And thank you for the reply on the food I will look into getting some different types for them.

How old is the bulb and how far from the tortoise is it. It has come to my attention that some MVBs now stop producing any UVB by three months. They used to last longer. Do you have a UV meter?

Given your current issue, you might want to get an additional or different UV source. Arcadia HO tubes are amazing and long lasting too.

Matthew Morris

New Member
Jun 29, 2016
We just bought a new one as I was told they last 6 months, new one was bought Sunday. And I would say 15-20cm high, and I haven't got a UV Meter.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
We just bought a new one as I was told they last 6 months, new one was bought Sunday. And I would say 15-20cm high, and I haven't got a UV Meter.

The manufacturer suggests replacement every six months. In theory this will not cause a problem because if a healthy normal tortoise gets three solid months of UVB and then goes 3 months without, it should do no harm. In a tortoise that is already suffering from MBD, as yours is, that 3 months without could be a real issue. This might be why you are having the current problem.

In any case, you should be fine for about the next 3 months, but I'd look into getting a meter and/or a different UV source for the future.

Here is the recommended meter:

Here are the HO tubes form Arcadia:
These make A LOT of UVB, so be sure to mount them far enough away and use them carefully. If you got one of these and mounted it about 20 inches from the tortoise and then put it on a timer for about 4 hours a day, mid day, your UVB problems would be solved for at least a couple of years.

Matthew Morris

New Member
Jun 29, 2016
Thank you, I think it would be a little tricky to put an extra uvb bulb as I have a table for them.


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The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Some 2x4s would make an easy over head mounting location.

Looks like you've got one of those pet store water bowls. Those are a flipping hazard for tortoises. I would replace that with a terra cotta plant saucer sunk into the substrate.

And your substrate? Is it that "Pets at Home" stuff with the limestone bits in it?

Hope you don't mind all the questions. Just trying to be helpful. :)

Matthew Morris

New Member
Jun 29, 2016
It's not a problem, and i will get a new bowl, and it is top soil with play sand and it's got some of the tortoise life in it, is it a problem?


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
It's not a problem, and i will get a new bowl, and it is top soil with play sand and it's got some of the tortoise life in it, is it a problem?

Everyone has different opinions about the substrate. Here are mine:

Sand is no good in any amount. It is an impaction risk and possible skin and eye irritant. It has been recommended for decades and for decades I've been seeing case after case of tortoises dying of sand impaction.

Soil is no good because it is made of composted yard waste and you cannot know what it is made of. It could be perfectly fine, or it could be oleander trimmings, or grass coated in a "weed n' feed" mix. Its also very messy and turns to mud when its damp. Best to use other things.

Encouraging tortoises to eat their substrate to satisfy calcium cravings is a terrible idea and that's why I don't like the substrate with the limestone bits in it.

I've used a lot of different substrate over 3 decades, including the above mentioned ones and I find that coco coir word best for babies and small Testudo tortoises and fine grade orchid bark for larger ones.