
New Member
Mar 4, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
california, redondo beach
Tortoise has had a runny nose (clear) for a few days now and has rapidly declined. He is not breathing only through his mouth and I am truing my beat to wipe any fluids from his nose. I have given him specific nose drops I received from the vet last year for the past 2 days. Now he is only breathing through his mouth I am worried about him making it through the night. I will be trying to get him into the vet tomorrow but I need advice of any to help him now. He is currently on a heating pad to keep him warm through the night. He is very lethargic. HELP!! anything that may help him tonight until I can get him into the vet tomorrow 🙏


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Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Mar 16, 2020
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London, UK
Normally this is down to insufficient heat temperature. Please check you have a working heat lamp and what is the temp using a thermometer in all areas of the enclosure? What species of tort do you have? Care and requirements change according to species.
You can search on here runny nose to see other advise.


New Member
Mar 4, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
california, redondo beach
Normally this is down to insufficient heat temperature. Please check you have a working year lamp and what id the temp. What species of tort do you have as care and requirements change.
I have a california desert tortoise. I do have
Normally this is down to insufficient heat temperature. Please check you have a working heat lamp and what is the temp using a thermometer in all areas of the enclosure? What species of tort do you have? Care and requirements change according to species.
You can search on here runny nose to see other advise.
I do have a proper heating lamp, but have him on a heating pad just for night time. I have a california desert tortoise.


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Jun 21, 2016
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Hope he makes it! I would keep him at 85 degrees all round but not use the heat pad. No more nose drops. Good luck!
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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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You need to set him up in a smaller, covered hospital enclosure and up the temperature to 85 day and night. Get Baytril from your vet and mix it 1 part Baytril to 9 parts sterile saline. Squirt this up his nostrils - a good strong squirt, not soft, but with a bit of force behind it. Don't worry about the medicine going into his lungs. The nares goes into the roof of his mouth, not down his throat.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake Ca
@tortoiseowner! ... This is a pretty serious issue. You HAVE to follow the instructions given by @Yvonne G. You may think the temps are correct but without measuring ALL areas with a reliable temp gun your just guessing. Please do not get your feelings hurt we ALL want your tortoise to not just survive but thrive after this is taken care of. Please keep us posted.