Chevy isn't doing so well..............

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Marta You are far from a bad mommy...DONT YOU DARE BLAME YOURSELF!!! Your learning and a bad mom wouldnt learn anything and ignore her pet and not even notice anything is wrong. your inquizative, and caring and very loving to Chevy...He will be ok...


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nellie3803 said:
Sorry to hear he isnt doing well. Have you checked with a local tort vet?

No not yet Im going to ask as an early christmas present for me that my parents let me take him to the vet. Im sorry about little Sammy I thought he was doing well

Ok here are some pics of his thighs and front limbs quick question why do you need pictures of his legs just curious. BTW please try to ignore the poop :p atleast he is pooping right?





BTW his eyes are closed because I had just picked him up while he was still in the process of sleeping he was squirming around in my hand to be put down. Is that a good thing that he is moving? Also I took him outside just a while ago while I was soaking him in a warm carrot baby food soak so he could get natural sunlight. His eyes were wide open and was alert. He tried to escape a few times :p Also when he was in there he paused for a few seconds and I notice little ripples was this him peeing and once he was done he continued to try to escape :) Is this good?


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Yeah! Right now it is looking to me as if nothing is wrong...especially if he's squirming! Keep us posted! Mazuri is going out tomorrow!


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Oct 29, 2010
It's hard too tell by pics but something doen't look right about his mouth

Maggie Cummings

I had a baby recently who was really sick and had a very soft plastron. Danny told me the same thing and so right away I started using calcium with D3 and putting it on her food every feeding. I also soaked her in bird vitamins. I did just like he said, and she turned right around. I have her to this very day! She was much closer to death then Chevy is, so do what Danny said and start right now today. It will really make a difference, and with all of us pulling for him he has to pull thru. Look at the team you have behind you! And with all of our advice, as long as you are doing what we suggest, he'll be fine.
Plant pots aren't deep enough. You can use a box or a half log, something that is dark small and secure...


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Its good hes squirming. Does he feel strong? Its hard to tell in those pics but in my experience here is what I've noticed when looking at dehydrated hatchlings.
In the areas that you took the pics the skin in the upper thigh and upper arm is thin and in some cases you can actually see discoloration of the muscle.
Also, in severe dehydration the muscle especially in the hind legs will look darker and somewhat shrivled.
As far as his eyes go, do they appear to be shrunken in?
How is his weight? Does he feel solid like when you got him, presuming he was health when you got him
Marty, just make sure hes warm and well hydrated and if it gets worse take him to the Vet.
And Marty I'm not trying to be mean, but the Vet like the doctor isnt a "christmas present" its a necessity.


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So Onarock do you think he looks dehydrated? If he is that is weird because I soak him everyday (Im going to start soaking him twice a day) and he has a water dish in his enclosure. I know but my parents want me to pay the vet bill and until I get a job which I am starting to apply I have to ask of it as a Christmas present :( He feels solid but he hasn't gained weight or he lost weight last time I weighed him he was 40g. No his eyes don't appear to be shrunken in I will get a close up of his head. And @ squamata I agree its not the green around his mouth because that is just residue from his greens but he looks like he is grimacing. Like the corner of his mouth look weird. Thank you Rian for your kind thoughts :)


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Marty333 said:
So Onarock do you think he looks dehydrated? If he is that is weird because I soak him everyday (Im going to start soaking him twice a day) and he has a water dish in his enclosure. I know but my parents want me to pay the vet bill and until I get a job which I am starting to apply I have to ask of it as a Christmas present :( He feels solid but he hasn't gained weight or he lost weight last time I weighed him he was 40g. No his eyes don't appear to be shrunken in I will get a close up of his head. And @ squamata I agree its not the green around his mouth because that is just residue from his greens but he looks like he is grimacing. Like the corner of his mouth look weird. Thank you Rian for your kind thoughts :)

he looks pretty good. its hard to tell with those pics. someone on another post guessed little chevy to be about a month old maybe 2 and at that age I usually like to still see some of what I would call "baby fat" around their thigh and upper arm area. If you look at pics of fresh hatch you will see what im talking about. Does he feel strong or listless? I dont know what a 1-2 month old sulcata hatchling weighs on average. I'm sure someone here does. how are his eyes? are they clear? also you mentioned the fecal matter around his vent, is that normal for him?


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onarock said:
Marty333 said:
So Onarock do you think he looks dehydrated? If he is that is weird because I soak him everyday (Im going to start soaking him twice a day) and he has a water dish in his enclosure. I know but my parents want me to pay the vet bill and until I get a job which I am starting to apply I have to ask of it as a Christmas present :( He feels solid but he hasn't gained weight or he lost weight last time I weighed him he was 40g. No his eyes don't appear to be shrunken in I will get a close up of his head. And @ squamata I agree its not the green around his mouth because that is just residue from his greens but he looks like he is grimacing. Like the corner of his mouth look weird. Thank you Rian for your kind thoughts :)

he looks pretty good. its hard to tell with those pics. someone on another post guessed little chevy to be about a month old maybe 2 and at that age I usually like to still see some of what I would call "baby fat" around their thigh and upper arm area. If you look at pics of fresh hatch you will see what im talking about. Does he feel strong or listless? I dont know what a 1-2 month old sulcata hatchling weighs on average. I'm sure someone here does. how are his eyes? are they clear? also you mentioned the fecal matter around his vent, is that normal for him?

He feels strong he can claw my fingers pretty hard for a baby. His eyes seem clear when they are open. Thats normal I guess he is a slow pooper. Here is a pic of his face i circled the area where squamata thought was funky.


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Oct 29, 2010
neal butler had sent me a link from the trust for my sick leopard,one symptom nobdy had mentioned caught my eye right away and led me too go too the vet,who confirmed pneumonia,keep in mind there was no disharge from the nosstrils,only slight the morning i took him. i am thinking stomatitus in early stage can and could look like dehydration,watch him close and mention any symptom u witness, and im sure the forum will help you.


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Aww sweetie....try not to worry. You're a good mama! All of our best wishes are going to you and Chevy. I know it's scary and if you need support we're all here for you.


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egyptiandan said:
It sounds to me like the beginings of MBD Katerina. :( You'll need to start soaking him in water with liquid vitamins (I use Vitasol for birds) and start giving a calcium supplement with vitamin D3.
This is just the begining, so shouldn't take that long to turn him around.


Is there other medicines I can use? How much is the Vitasol? I don't want Chevy to pass :(

Torty Mom

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Katerina, I just bought some vitasol the other day and I don't think it was more than $4.00. BTW, I have a some dandelion seeds to send you. There are a few more that are almost ready to puff, I'll grab those, and then I'll PM you for your address.

I am sending happy thoughts for you and Chevy! He will be good as new before you know it! Hang in there!


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egyptiandan said:
It sounds to me like the beginings of MBD Katerina. :( You'll need to start soaking him in water with liquid vitamins (I use Vitasol for birds) and start giving a calcium supplement with vitamin D3.
This is just the begining, so shouldn't take that long to turn him around.


Danny, can you elaborate more on the reasons you think this is MBD? Lethargy and not eating could encompass a wide range of things. -thanks


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This is really something I think every tortoise keeper goes through, and maybe should to a certain extent if only for the learning process, so don't think you've done something wrong or be too hard on yourself.

Do you know the exact temperatures throughout the day and throughout your enclosure? It sounds like you have enough heat sources, but I would make sure he stays above 80 at all times. I keep my baby tortoises very warm during the night (85 - 90). I have found that when they spend the night in this temperature range they wake up QUICK and HUNGRY!

Is he able to get outside much? It doesn't sound too serious right now, but it could turn bad pretty quick. That's very good that he was trying to escape when you soaked him. How often is he soaked? I would suggest soaking him daily for 5 - 10 minutes outside in direct sunlight if your outside temperatures are OK. The increase in temperatures and some time outside should stimulate his appetite.

The picture of his mouth looks a little overgrown in the back. This is nothing to worry about at the moment. Focus on what you have been suggested with then you can work on that.


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Yes it could be other things, but there are plenty of things that point to MBD.
One is age, second is the tortoise has his eyes closed in most pictures (not usually good), third is that Katerina has already complained about the plastron being "squishy", now the not eating and the lethargy. Not having grown much if any is another clue.
Katerina the vitasol is for vitamins and minerals which Chevy is lacking right now. There aren't any medications that can be given other than vitamins and calcium.



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Katerina- Hang in there!!!! You have to be strong and think positive. Tell your parents that Chevy is sick and he needs a vet asap! Explain that he is your baby and that if you were very sick your parents would take you to the doctors as well because they care about you; just like you care about Chevy. It sounds like you are doing everything right and following all directions. I really really REALLY hope that Chevy pulls through and spends the rest of his life doing the cute things he does now. I love Chevy!!! :)

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