bad thing happened to me

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I'm sorry he did that Terry :( and the B*****d has now been permanently banned from the forum. No more PMing or posting, ever. I'll be looking to see that he doesn't sign up under a new name. :D



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This situation reminds me of a story I read online a long time ago.

It is about a guy who was getting scammed, but people online united, and they scammed the scammer.

It might be a long read, but it is hilarious. Here is the link:


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richalisoviejo said:
Itort said:
terryo said:
This is his new signature:
Vulneratus, non victus....which means Wounded not conquered AND he sent me a PM with a little man holding a gun. AND he sent me a big long letter about the ability of chelonians to survive for a long period without food and water.....What this all means to me is that we are dealing with a dangerous nut. have been great. And everyone else is so supportive here. Thank you.
This sounds like a threat. I think he is elevating above his level of reason. Is this Federal now?

It would be classified under State law. I’ve had the same emails with the picture of the man and the gun, it’s definitely a threat. Section 422 of the California Penal Code makes it illegal to make criminal threats. A criminal threat under California law is a threat of immediate harm made to another person when the defendant intends to, and does, cause fear in the person threatened. And that is what he has done to Terry, myself and who knows who else. Hopefully another person reading this thread will come forward like the lady he tried to scam out of $200.00.
I was wondering because because the PM was sent from California to New York.


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Feb 3, 2009
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This guy just doesnt quit, I really dont get it. I'm sure he has a $100 why would he just not give it up to get Rich off his back. I mean it cant be a male pride thing because what pride could he have had to begin with scamming people and their family. I just dont get it??????


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Mar 20, 2009
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WOAH this is hectic - he is indeed a psycho, definitely not a movie. Its scary to know these kinds of people are out there.
Nick, Tallula and I are behind you all the way with our African power & prayer !!!!!!!


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Mar 31, 2009
Itort said:
richalisoviejo said:
Itort said:
terryo said:
This is his new signature:
Vulneratus, non victus....which means Wounded not conquered AND he sent me a PM with a little man holding a gun. AND he sent me a big long letter about the ability of chelonians to survive for a long period without food and water.....What this all means to me is that we are dealing with a dangerous nut. have been great. And everyone else is so supportive here. Thank you.
This sounds like a threat. I think he is elevating above his level of reason. Is this Federal now?

It would be classified under State law. I’ve had the same emails with the picture of the man and the gun, it’s definitely a threat. Section 422 of the California Penal Code makes it illegal to make criminal threats. A criminal threat under California law is a threat of immediate harm made to another person when the defendant intends to, and does, cause fear in the person threatened. And that is what he has done to Terry, myself and who knows who else. Hopefully another person reading this thread will come forward like the lady he tried to scam out of $200.00.
I was wondering because because the PM was sent from California to New York.

It could possible be a federal offence Larry, he’s using means of interstate commerce to threaten people. But I have a feeling we would be have a quicker response at the state level. Just from past experiences from these type of crimes.

Yvonne G

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BigBiscuit said:
This situation reminds me of a story I read online a long time ago.

It is about a guy who was getting scammed, but people online united, and they scammed the scammer.

It might be a long read, but it is hilarious. Here is the link:

It took quite a while to read, but was hilarious! Thanks for the link.



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Mar 31, 2009
This clown has emailed me over 280 times. That’s 280 nails in his coffin :).

There is something strange about these emails, they are not all from the same person, there are at least three different people using that account sending me emails from three different IP addresses. The style of writing is different from each email.


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Wow. I have missed the drama. Terry I hope it all works out for you and you can get your grandson a tortoise/turtle. I am sure someone here can help you find a safe source. Rich thanks for everything you are doing for Terry and all the SOB's victims. I love to see a bulldog at work and I hate to see people taken advantage of.



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Mar 31, 2009
We have enough emails from this guy to nail him. I wouldn’t advise anyone to open an email sent from his account. Today my virus protection blocked his last four attempts to email me. He has been trying to send some type of virus via his emails. Receive anything from anyone you don't know just delete it.

Maggie Cummings

I posted a warnings about him on other lists I am on and should read the email that good 'christian' man oh my! So the owner of the list banned him...too kewl!Some months ago he tried to rip her off the price of a book. So she kept on him and finally got the book, then last month he had the balls to email her to ask if she had any Russians for sale. Can you just imagine???
I really thought I get more responses then I have...there's several thousand people on those lists, and I only hear from 1? That just ain't right...I thought I would be more help then that...Oh well, Terry's grandson will get his turtle and that's what counts...


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Mar 31, 2009
maggie3fan said:
I posted a warnings about him on other lists I am on and should read the email that good 'christian' man oh my! So the owner of the list banned him...too kewl!Some months ago he tried to rip her off the price of a book. So she kept on him and finally got the book, then last month he had the balls to email her to ask if she had any Russians for sale. Can you just imagine???
I really thought I get more responses then I have...there's several thousand people on those lists, and I only hear from 1? That just ain't right...I thought I would be more help then that...Oh well, Terry's grandson will get his turtle and that's what counts...

If you ever purchase anything off the internet use your credit card, if you don’t take possession of the merchandise then merchant services have to refund your money.

I hope he gets his turtle as well and I will make sure Terry is refunded her money, even if it’ from me. If he gets a turtle elsewhere he can use the funds to purchase what he needs for the turtle.


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Yes this link is crazy funny!! But I do wonder what happened to Jeff?!?!?!

emysemys said:
BigBiscuit said:
This situation reminds me of a story I read online a long time ago.

It is about a guy who was getting scammed, but people online united, and they scammed the scammer.

It might be a long read, but it is hilarious. Here is the link:

It took quite a while to read, but was hilarious! Thanks for the link.



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Apr 8, 2008
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OMG!!! I just came back yesterday night from a little vacation in the US (I left friday morning) now I just can't beleive it, this guy is a psycho. I am glad the police is aware of all that, that guy is crazy!!! Rich, you are doing a really great job and Terry, I am happy for you and your great son since it looks like the idiot guy will pay you back :)


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Mar 31, 2009
He’s been reported. The City of Napa police will be sending someone out today, then contact me for copies of his threatening emails I’ve collected.

He’s pretty much a nut cracker, received one email today that was blocked but the title of the email simply said KNOCK KNOCK, I guess he’s expecting the knock on his door today. lol. :)


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Mar 20, 2009
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates
WOW Rich Well done !!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear what happens to this nutcase !
I know where to come when I need a lawyer :p

richalisoviejo said:
He’s been reported. The City of Napa police will be sending someone out today, then contact me for copies of his threatening emails I’ve collected.

He’s pretty much a nut cracker, received one email today that was blocked but the title of the email simply said KNOCK KNOCK, I guess he’s expecting the knock on his door today. lol. :)


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I am so sorry to hear about all this Terry. Looks like I need to get on here more often. Thank you Rich for all you are doing. I have had a similar situation here, but not with a turtle. This is involving my MIL, a contractor and $40,000. People can really suck!

Best of luck



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Mar 31, 2009
There is a Napa Valley Police on his case. This man lives in a low income housing project, the officer probably said he doesn’t have any money but anyone who has been a victim of this man needs to come forward, I have the officers phone number so it's better to send me an email through [email protected] and I’ll forward you the officer contact information. All he needs it to hear from any victim before he pays a visit to Mr. Mapes.

Don’t be afraid to come forward. You have nothing to worry about.


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Mar 31, 2009
Disregard my last post, just spoke again with the officer, He has the information he needs just from me. He will contact me later today with an update.


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Mar 31, 2009
Here is what we have on Mr. Mapes. No prior convictions, just two complaints filed against him but the victims decided not to press charges. He is an older man living with his wife on SSI in a low income housing complex.

They are not going to press any charges against him for the harassing emails showing the man holding the gun, according to Officer Wesner the photos without a written threat wouldn’t be enough for the DA to press charges, after taking into consideration of the mans age and mental capacity. In order for myself to act on behalf of one of the victims I would have to have papers drawn up representing them.

If he wasn’t 400 miles away from me there would be more I can do. I just may set up an email account and purchase one of his turtles. Then I can nail him myself.

I wish Terry would accept the deal I made with her, I would be more then happy to have her grandson’s money sent to her.
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