A tale of two tortoises

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Nov 25, 2011
I'm re-asking this question here to get a few more responses. Lynnedit has been been amazingly generous with her advice but wanted to see if anyone else had anythoughts as well. Sorry this is long- but I figure it's probably easier if I just get all the details I know you're going to ask out of the way- right up front. :D

A bit of background:
My husband and daughter brought home two tortoises on Friday. Details are a bit sketchy. They were sharing an aquarium (guessing 40 gallons) with minimal chunky bark as substrate. Kept at 85 degrees all the time and being fed a diet of spinach and strawberries (possibly some tortoise kibble). Not sure what kind of lighting. The guy told them one was more active than the other. He told us they were male and female and that they got along great. But, who knows?

Our set up:
Two large cement mixing tubs (2x3 each) currently connected by a land bridge- but ready to separate them if need be. The warm/moist side is coconut coir bedding- several inches deep (deep enough for them to copmletely cover themselves if desired). The cool/dry side is aspen, also nice & deep.

Basking area that is 95 degrees. Cooler side of the warm/moist side that is about 75 degrees and the cool/dry side is room temp (right at 70) with a drop to 67 over night. Several hides available but they aren't interested in them.

Light currently is really just a heat source. I am just using an old heat lamp bulp like the kind you see in bathroom fan/heat units. I have zoomed mvb on order- should be here tomorrow or wed. Also a CHE- although I think the mvb should do it and that will only be a back-up. I'm using the (what I now know to be) crappy round thermometers and one of those strip ones. I have a therm-gun on order. But, the therms seem fairly accurate as far as measuring room temp so we're assuming they are at least "ball park" accurate.

We have been keeping handling to soaking 20 mins per day in warm (but not hot) water. After their bath we put them near the food. At lynn's advice, I started baby food soaks yesterday.

We are calling the bigger one Steve (were told male) and the smaller one ToTo (were told female). My guess is that they were petco purchases orginally- but don't know for sure.

Oh! Food. Day one- offered some carrot shaves (I know this is a moderation-only food, but empty fridge after a holiday weekend!) dandelion greens and fresh grass. No one touched it. Day 2- dandelions, a bit of spinach, diced carrots. Steve sampled the dandelions but not sure he ate anything more than a nibble. Toto ate some of the carrot and some of the spinach.

Toto has been poopin' like a champ. Nothing from Steve yet- even in soaking.

Day one: ToTo went into a hide and stayed there. Ater her soak she burrowed in and covered herself completely. She spent all day there although as the day wore on she dug her head out and then would poke her head up periodically. Steve basked for a bit. Explored the enclosure and tested the sides and then parked himself facing a corner. He didn't appear to move until we soaked him again (next afternoon).

Day two: Post soak steve basked for a bit then moved over to a corner in the warm area and parked himself facing the corner and (again) didn't move at all until we pulled him out for the next soak (this afernoon). Toto basked for a bit, snacked, went for a tour of the grounds (including in and out of the second tub multiple times) snacked again, basked for a while, toured again, etc. Eventually she dug herself into another burrow for the night.

Day 3 (today): Steve stayed parked in corner until noon soaking. During soaking, he did open his eyes and might have been drinking the water. He would open and close his mouth (just a little) and put his face in the water/opening and closing his mouth (a little bit) and blowing a few bubbles. Toto unearthed herself and just observed from her burrow all day until post-soak. While they were soaking I prepared a salad of mixed baby lettuce, a few tiny dices of apple, torn raddichio and a little smear of the babyfood carrot on top. Mostly I was hoping to entice steve to eat (color! yummy smelling apple!). No dice. He moved away from it immediately and went back to his corner. Toto was in heaven and ate the entire thing- quite piggily. I gave her another pile of lettuce & radicchio and some torn strawberry leaves. She ate around the strawberry leaves.

Where toto seems alert, if cautious- steve seems lethargic (but no particularly nervous). He has his eyes closed all the time. When he does open them, he's slow to do so and blinks a lot. He often has his head tucked in- but he's also had his neck all stretched out and eyes closed.

I know it's normal for them to not eat at first and to hide as they get used to their new environment. But I'm wondering if Steve has been not-quite-right for some time and the previous owner just chalked it up to different personalities...and maybe that is all it is... but from what I've read, ToTo seems a little more typical.

So, I guess where we are is to give steve a few more days and then seen a reptile vet (from the list posted on this forum). Any additional thoughts of what we could/should do?


Yvonne G

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It usually takes a while for some tortoises to acclimate. You might try to find out what kind of pellets the previous keepers were feeding. Some tortoises get fixated on the pellets and then don't recognize real food as being edible.


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Nov 25, 2011
I'm not so concerned about the not eating and more concerned with the eyes closed and seeming sleepiness. Are those things no biggie at this point?

Utah Lynn

5 Year Member
Aug 27, 2011
Could it be that the female is or has been "picking" on the male? I know I have to keep my male and female separated or she continually butts and bites my male.
You might try separation and see how he does.


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I am with Utah Lynn on the possible bullying issue...remember that it can go either way....

Since you have two tubs you can easily remove access to the shared space without disturbing them too much, you know?

For the one that has the closed eyes...I would make sure that you keep the temps no lower than 80ish, you can achieve that by individual light for heat during the day and a night light in the evening time after normal lights out...(actually I would do this for both of them in all honesty :)) but for certain the little closed eye one.

You mentioned moist warm side as 75, I would actually make the moist area at the no lower than 80ish...warm and humid good, cool and humid not so great....IMHO that is...

Perhaps you can offer some of the the kibble wet down and smushed up with the real food and see if that will spark eating more with the little one with the closed eyes...have you checked with the little one to see if he can see alright? Movement around his eyes and such to see his reflex, you know?

Have you posted their pics here somewhere (sorry, I have not been able to visit the site lately as much as I love to and may have missed the pics :D)


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Nov 25, 2011
Ok, so I got an infrared thermometer and I think the little round ones were measuring about 10 degrees hotter than reality. So, I've increased the temp. The one with eyes closed does seem responsive to moving in front of "him" etc.

The first day I had the dry side warm. Oops. So, I switched it around day two. I do have the CHE coming in the mail so I can always use that to heat up the rest of the most tub and keep it all above 80.

They seem to completely ignore eachother, so not sure if bullying would be a culprit, but we can seperate them and try that. I did buy some of the kibble they were feeding today. Neither of them would touch it.

Picture from last night:



The Dog Trainer
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Great post with lots of detail. Here are some thoughts:

1. I too would be worried about the eyes and gasping. It sounds like long term chronically bad (or maybe just less than ideal) conditions.
2. I would cut out the fruit and carrots for a bit and stick more to leafy greens, weeds and grass.
3. 2x3' is pretty small for adult russians. Especially if they are going to be indoors all winter. Even with a portal to another 2x3' bin they are still looking at walls no more than 2 or 3 feet away.
4. I have harped on this a million (exaggeration) times: Pairs seldom work out. The long term chronic stress caused by NOT being able to get away from the other tortoise COULD very well be the sole source of your problem, even if the other tortoise isn't really "doing" anything to him. I recommend you separate them right away. Here's a thread I did on the subject that explains things in more detail. http://www.tortoiseforum.org/Thread-Pairs#axzz1fA2oQ6Ln
5. You mentioned a "bathroom" bulb for heat. Is it one of those infrared 250 watt bulbs? I don't like "colored" bulbs for daytime. They make things look kinda "funny" to the torts and can disrupt their circadian rhythms. A regular incandescent bulb will also work just fine until your MVB arrives.
6. 'Tis the season for russians to be hibernating. Even though you are keeping them warm and lit, their primitive brains are saying "sleep, sleep..."


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Nov 25, 2011
Ok. Separation seems to be a common theme- so we'll go ahead and try it tomorrow.

Tom- in your opinion, would it be better for us to try and rehome one? I hate the idea of that. I feel pretty strongly about life-long commitments to critters in my care. At the same time- I don't know that we can support more square footage than we currently have and I feel even more strongly about proper husbandry for critters in my care than I do about keeping them forever. I mean, we coud probably modify the tubs to eliminate the barrier in the middle and give them more breathing room- but not sure we could support double habitats. :(

Once their settled in we're planning on daily play time in our bathroom- which we think will provide them more room- etc. The floor is heated and the closet and toilet rooms can be closed off so it can be one decent sized room they can have the run of. Of course- they won't have substrate to burrow in, and I wouldn't want them climbing over a hard floor- but it would give them more room to wander about.


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I know I am not Tom.....lol :D

IMHO..you can certainly re home or you can simply build a two story habitat for their indoor time....this way you will use "up" space instead of additional floor space....if you research the double decker enclosures you will see some great options....ok now I will duck out....lol Toodles and good luck in which ever way you go....they both sure are beautiful....

Amanda :)

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Nov 14, 2011
I am in no way whatsoever a pro... So please take that into consideration when reading this! I have 2 horsefields who both have different personalities and both have days where they are really active and will eat Lots and days when they aren't active all they do is sleep and hardly eat! Now iv considered bullying but I haven't seen it so therefore feel that without seeing any evidence I don't want to split them up etc because they may like each other and enjoy the company (they prob don't think like that but I worry haha) I only have the view on weather you should split them up or not and not on anything else! However it wouldn't hurt to try it and see if it makes a difference :) this probably is no help whatsoever and has probably already been suggested.. But hope that maybe it's helped a little :)



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5 Year Member
Nov 25, 2011
Ok, so we are going on just about a week now and no change at all in Steve. Toto continues to eat like a champ and is busy, busy, busy. She convinced my daughter yesterday that she didn't NEED a 20 minute soak so she got away with just 10. Both torts are feeling nice and heavy. They didn't feel like an empty shell when we got them- but I do think they feel heavier now- I wish I had a scale appropriate for weighing them! We have separated them. Toto seems to find this terribly unfair and keeps trying to peek over into the other bin. Steve continues to sit in a corner with his eyes closed, he head pulled in and his legs slpayed out.

We also got the mvb bulb. The CHE and my second stand & hood have not arrived yet. The 100w mvb doesn't put out anywhere near the amount of heat the other one did so I'm really hoping we get the che soon. I am starting to think the other bulb was possibly a 250 wat bulb.

No change in steve. We've been puting him near the food every day. He doesn't seem to like the food dish and immediately moves away towards a corner. He's no more interested in the fruity pebbles than the variety of greens we're feeding. Still no poops from him.

How would one determine if a tortoise is just sleepy because of the season or actually sick? After a week, now, with no change... I'm starting to think perhaps it's in his best interest to go to the vet. We'd planned to take both anyway- but were hoping to wait until they settled in.



The Dog Trainer
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I'm all for keeping your animals. I like Angela's double decker idea too. I have a three tub rack that works very well for me. If you can't swing it, then I do think rehoming one, so that it can live alone, is a good idea.

I don't like the bathroom idea. I prefer to keep them in their enclosure. Safer that way.

A check up at a good tortoise vet will hurt nothing and it will start to establish a good relationship should you ever have a problem down the road that requires vet help. Just make sure that its not one of those vets that goes back and does an internet search for "Russian Tortoise Care" right after you walk in the door. Don't laugh. I've seen it happen more than once.


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Nov 25, 2011
Luckily- two of the vets listed in the vet area on this site are a 20-30 minute drive from my house. So, that's the good news.


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Nov 25, 2011
So, I made an apointment for monday... then I got a call from the vet tech. She said they are getting a lot of calls like mine right now from RT's and that he's probably just trying to hibernate and just to keep doing what I'm doing. I asked them to hold the appointment anyway and I'd call monday morning to reasses. =/ Not sure what to do now.

And just for fun, some pics of toto:

"chilaxin" as my daughter would say!




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Lots of good information here. It is important to try different things.
I think Steve's behavior is not normal for hibernation. In that case, he would be burying himself in the substrate. To hibernate. And you would have seen some evidence of pooping during a soak. Even with bullying, the affected tort usually hides away to escape, rather than lay spread out under the basking light.
I say keep the appointment and describe exactly what the torts' different behavior has been to the vet. If nothing else, you will have the peace of mind that you did everything you could.
(sorry, I couldn't help piping in!).
See what others vote for.


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Nov 25, 2011
Lynn- I very much appreciate your input!!! Please feel free to continue to chime in. =D

Yeah- he's not burrowing. He'll wake up for a few minutes after his bath but then goes back to sleep. He does this weird thing with his head where he'll just sort of let it droop. And, where as toto is very responsive to having her feet touched (she'll suck them right into her body) he will eventually suck them if after repeatedly having them touched.

He still hasn't pooped.

He still hasn't eaten.

It's been a week.


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Let us know how it goes at the vet's tomorrow. Might need an xray to see if he is impacted?


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Nov 25, 2011
So, we are down to just ToTo now. When I called back to confirm my appointment with the vet tech I started talking to her about Steve and how I'd learned here that keeping a pair was a bad idea and feeling like I couldn't really provide what both needed, but also feeling like I *owed* it to them to do right by them as we'd taken responsibility for them and we knew we were getting into a lifetime commitment,etc,etc. Anyway, she offered to take him for us and add him to her "herd" (she has 3 rt's). She was willing to take him on even given his uncertain health, etc. So, today we dropped him off at his new home. She said she'd call later in the week with an update on what the vet thought, how he's doing, etc.

He still hadn't eaten though he did pass a small poo in his soak on saturday afternoon.

ToTo continues to do very well. She roams around her enclosure, eats excitedly, etc. She digs herself into her substrate each evening and unearths herslef every morning. She's adorable.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 25, 2011
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I think that is a good outcome. One tort does fine, and you can all enjoy her now. And the vet tech certainly has access to the right help! Let us know how he does.
So Toto now has both enclosure parts with the bridge again?
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