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  1. abbiesparrow

    Tortoise not eating

    I have a Russian tortoise she is about 2 and a half years old but she hasn't been eating for about a week now, I'm not sure if she is lonely? Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. abbiesparrow

    Overfeeding Russian

    I'm just wondering how much I need to feed my Russian tort? She's 2 years old. I give her 20 tortoise pellets in the morning and she eats them when she wakes up but she seems to be going to her food bowl a lot in the evenings after she's eaten her food and I don't know if she's hungry? I don't...
  3. abbiesparrow

    Coco coir

    I'm just wondering whether coconut coir substrate smells? My torts enclosure is indoors.
  4. abbiesparrow

    HELP!! Very worried (shedding)

    My torts skin looks as if it's coming off by her chin. I haven't had her long and I haven't seen this on her before. Does anyone know what this is? Please help!!
  5. abbiesparrow

    Tortoise enclosure

    I am recently a new Russian tortoise owner and I just wanted to check that my enclosure is okay and if there is anything I need to change/improve? Thank you
  6. abbiesparrow

    New Russian Tortoise Owner!

    Hi everyone! I had a Russian Tortoise for Christmas and I'm unsure about what I can put inside her tortoise table for decoration. I am wondering if I can use rocks, artificial plants etc? I want to make her house as homely as possible for her and she lives indoors so it's defeintly warm enough...