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  1. methos75

    Show me your hatchling setups.

    Looking into getting a few soon and just wanting to see how the more experienced keepers here have started up your guys.
  2. methos75


    I've had these two Elongated/Travencore hybrids a while now, about a year and a half but have never gotten around to posting them. A bit of the typical split scutes but doing extremely well.
  3. methos75

    Little guy turned two recently.

    Got this guy from Tortstork two years ago, he was hatched the day after Xmas in 2021. Doing awesome.
  4. methos75

    My Leos

    I don't think I've ever posted anything about my two Leo's Barb and Star before. My wife bought them for me two years ago at a local pet store that was pretty much giving them away due to lack of interest in them. I think she got both for $50. The bigger female, Barb, had RI at first that took...
  5. methos75

    Is the Tortoise Trust reliable?

    Pretty much they are attacking me on Facebook for stating pyramiding is due to improper humidity and stating this is just an old wives tale promoted by people that have no idea about the actual biology of tortoises which is news to me.
  6. methos75

    Rescue Russian woes.

    I took in two rescue Russians last week. Christmas presents that wore out their welcome. One is completely fine. Active, roams around and eats well. The other not so much. She sleeps constantly, doesn't eat, and will just sit in one spot all day. I'm soaking her daily and she is active then...
  7. methos75

    Low light basking lights.

    As keepers of forest species that typically avoid bright bulbs, has anyone ran across any heat or basking bulbs that put off low amounts of light that is more suited to their needs?
  8. methos75

    Baby Wood Turtle!!!

    So I've always wanted one of these guys since a wee little kid and I saw that Jay at Turtles and Tortoises had a few, so hell yeah. Finally one of my dream turtles is finally my own. Little guy is nuts. Into everything and eating well, to include devouring as many isopods in his enclosure as he...
  9. methos75

    MEE update.

    Little guy is putting some good size on now. Got him as a hatchling in Jan as some may remember and here he is today.
  10. methos75

    Anyone ever keep Twist Neck Turtles?

    I received a group of them and a few have some pretty bad shell rot that I am treating. My question is being new to them should they be dry docked like more aquatic turtles? I know they spend considerable time on land and in currently keeping them much like I do my CA Wood Turtles with half and...
  11. methos75

    Zen Habitat

    Nothing fancy but I picked up a Zen Habitat to test out as indoor enclosures for my guys and set up a little bioactive enclosure for my Homes Hingeback. This are really nice looking and wife approved, she really is digging how nice they look compared to some of the other enclosures I've used in...
  12. methos75

    Any good Thermometer/ Hydro meters that last?

    I've been using digital Accurite ones but these things just do not last at all in my humid enclosures, are there any out there that can actually withstand humid conditions?
  13. methos75

    So I think unfortunately my baby Sulcata is fading out.

    I bought her a few months ago from Tortoise Supply and she was very active, alert, and eating everything until about three weeks ago when I noticed she was slowing down. At first I thought maybe it was just the yoyoing weather, I keep my guys indoor in a reptile room that stays at 80 degrees...
  14. methos75

    First Hingeback!

    So I've always wanted a Homes but due to all the different issues with them being mostly WC I stayed away, but I finally took the plunge and got what for me is my dream tortoise. She is a gorgeous little girl. Really fantastic shape, nice and heavy, alert and active and eating really well...
  15. methos75

    Dent in Baby Redfoot shell

    I was soaking my baby Redfoot this morning anc I noticed it has what feels like a dent forming in the first vertebra scute. It's hard to see but I definitely feel it when running my finger over it. Should I be concerned? He has full access to a T5 HO 10.0 light, though he hardly uses it. Housed...
  16. methos75

    Plant ID.

    I have this stuff growing everywhere, sure someone here can ID it for me and rather it's safe.
  17. methos75

    Question about humidity levels in a closed chamber and misting.

    So I'm using a close chamber concept for my emys and redfoots by placing a green house tent over my enclosure and then per recommendations pouring a gallon of water directly into the substrate once a week. Now my question is a bit different than others that have issues maintaining their humidity...
  18. methos75

    Finally Success!

    I took in two Leopards from a local pet store that could not get anyone to purchase them after a year there and while not being kept badly perse, weren't being kept properly either and feed fruit and greens which they became fixated on. For the last two months no matter what I've tried I could...
  19. methos75

    New Hermann

    Got this little guy from Tortoise Supply Friday. Pretty active and eating well, but man, he just sleeps everywhere. He will just be exploring and then bam! Nap time.
  20. methos75

    Thoughts on Cloth as a substrate for Tortoises

    Ok I really already know the answer, but this lady on facebook is intent on using Cloth for her Baby Hermman and not proper Substrate no matter how much I implore her that using simple cloth isn't beneficial to the Tortoise but she refuses to listen and claims experts told her to use cloth...