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  • Hi Tom I got a UVB question. I bought zoo med reptisun T5 HO straight tubes + fixture hood. It comes with 5.0 and 10.0 tubes. Which one should I use for me 3 months radiated tort? The enclosure height is about 12 inches. I do not have much opportunities to get him outside.
    5.0 tubes don't make much UV, so I'd go with the 10.0. You still need a meter to check the levels. You might have to adjust the height depending on what the meter says. I would only run t for 2-3 hours mid day.
    Hey Tom, I was wondering if you sell those baby tortoise enclosures you have, if not how did you make it? I’m trying to get my hatchling sulcata tortoise a high humidity enclosure and it’s difficult. I bought a greenhouse to put over it but I’m not going to use it because I fear the plastic will catch on fire. Thanks
    I buy them from @Markw84 or from Animal Plastics.
    Hey Tom, I liked the baby sulcata care guide you made.
    I was wondering do I really need any artificial uvb light in my enclosure? I would rather take my baby sulcata outside for an hour or two for the natural uvb instead.
    If I don’t take him outside, how long does artificial uvb light need to be used for?
    Awakened Alex
    I live in San Diego, California and it’s always sunny how long do you recommend the baby sulcata being outside for daily? I was confused because people discord were saying you need artificial uvb in there enclosure for 8+ hours a day. Are they wrong? Because I would prefer my baby sulcata be outside for some of the day getting natural uvb
    Yes, they are wrong. Most of the tortoise info you find out in the world is wrong. My general rule is one hour of sunshine per inch of baby tortoise. 2 or 3 times per week is plenty. Be sure there is always shade available, and soak afterwards. Its no problem to skip a few weeks in winter.
    Awakened Alex
    Ok thanks a lot!
    Hi Tom!
    This is not a tortoise related question, but how the heck do you survive the puppy biting phase? It’s been 15 years since I’ve had a puppy in my house and my arms and clothing are really taking a beating. I’ve become a human chew toy and it’s exhausting!
    as a dog person, consistently discourage mouthing on your body or clothes and get a toy in between you and the puppy. Make the toy play fun, they will learn to bring you a toy for play, instead of using you.
    Dogs will do what you let them. Don't let him bit you and he'll stop. How best to stop this behavior varies with each dog and each situation. Bring in a professional trainer to meet you and your dog. Then they can help you come up with a plan that will work best for YOUR situation. I have a dozen ways to stop this behavior, but without meeting you and your pup, I don't know which one, or ones, would be best.
    We don’t let him bite, I usually make a noise when he does so he stops then offer him a toy. He just drops the toys and continues to go after my arms and clothing or even my hair. He is better today than yesterday so hopefully he’s picking it up
    Hey Tom! I was wondering which tortoise hatchlings you have and how shipping works? I was interested in a sulcata but am open to other suggestions. I am from Michigan and am ready for a new baby!
    How do you think you’ll have them for? I’m very interested but want to make sure I have everything ready first. They are hatchlings right now?
    Hey Tom, I think I am almost ready to order my tortoise from you. How much are the sulcatas and how regularly do you have hatchlings? How long does it take when shipping to Michigan? I’m deciphering between the sulcata and star. I already have your care sheet printed out and in the works!
    Hi Tom. I contacted you a little bit ago about your leopard babies. Have your PPs hatched yet?
    I've got a few hatched out. Ready in about a month.
    That's great! I'm Janet and I live in IL and I would want one when the weather gets better. I am looking at Marks enclosures and I am wondering which one you would recommend. I am also wondering the price of your babies, shipping, etc.. Is there anywhere I can see pics? [email protected]
    Hey there! How do you think my Sulcata tort is doing? She has no pyramiding and weighs 640g at almost 8 months old. If she continues to gain the same amount she has been (about 21g a week) then she will be just over 1000g on her hatch-day. Is this too much? I have searched and haven't found a single Sulcata that weighs anywhere close to that much at her age.
    Sounds like your tortoise is doing fine. Lots of them reach that size at 12 months when they are properly started and well cared for. Most of them just aren't well started or properly cared for.
    Hello Mr. Tom. I wanted to ask you a quick question and I was hoping you could help me out. Recently I read a post of yours about baby Sulcata and leopards stating that a closed the chamber enclosure is more ideal than open top. My question is if this is also effective for a two-year-old leopard tortoise? Thank you kindly!
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    Yes. A closed chamber makes it easier to maintain the desired temperature and humidity for any species or any age. It just means you aren't the fighting physics of preventing the room air from mixing with the enclosure air.
    Thank you kindly Mr. Tom!
    Hey Tom, I am looking for a good UVA/UVB light strip for my sulcata. I was looking for the Arcadia ProT5 17% UVA and 7% UVB and ran into that one and a 12% UVB. I would need to put the light on top of the wire i have on the enclosure. Do you prefer one over the other? Thank you!
    That might be too close, even through a screen. No way to know without a UV meter. Its okay to go a few weeks in a row in winter with no UV. Use a calcium supplement with D3, and the Mazuir you are feeding has D3 in it too. Save your money.
    oh okay! I usually just put him in the sun when I soak him (30 mins) but since it has been cold, I haven't been putting him in the sun. I did not know that the mazuri pellets had D3. good to know! Any recommendations on just lighting? I got my tort a new enclosure and foiled the top to keep in the humidity but want to add some good light so it isnt too dark. Thank you!
    I'll post on your recent thread. Not enough room here.
    Hi Tom. I am looking for a PP. I have been following your experience and knowledge of leopards.I'm interested in buying one from you when they are ready. Can you please email me with info [email protected] Thanks Janet
    Will do. Hatching now.
    Hi there, I was wondering if you could tell me how to build the perfect sulcata baby enclosure. Thank you in advance!
    Hi I was wondering if you have any tricks to get my box turtle Leo to eat any leafy greens. Thanks
    I learned from Terry O. Look up her old box turtle posts. Basically make a meaty mix of their favorites and mix in more and more fruits, greens or veggies over time. Start with hardly any, and mix in more as the turtle accepts it.
    Box Turtle Tuesday
    Box Turtle Tuesday
    Thanks do you know where I can find them
    Tom...I recently discovered a PDF of your tortoise care guideline document titled "The Best Way To Raise A Sulcata, Leopard, Or Star Tortoise" on this forum. I am a leopard tortoise breeder and I was wondering if it is ok with you to share a copy of your care guide PDF with new owners as I find homes for my hatchlings. Maybe you have a copyrighted version?
    Please share it! I don't care who gets the credit, I just want healthy tortoises in the world! Read these for more info for you:

    Jon G.
    Jon G.
    Great stuff! Thanks!

    I use a very similar method for my leopards regarding incubation and brooding while absorbing the yolk sac, etc. My two females laid 5 clutches each this season! I incubate at about 85/86 Deg F and like that I get a good number of males. Do you know what temp females become predominant with babcocki? Do you add any water during incubation if the medium dries out?
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    No one knows TSD temps for anything other than sulcatas, as far as I know. I've not pushed the limits, but over 90 and you are very likely to get scute anomalies. I do add water if needed during incubation. Usually only a small amount once or twice.
    Second day in a row thats too cold for the tort to leave the box. Even when the door opens he is wisely reluctant to exit. Can I give some food in the box or lower the box temps (its set on 80F) so it wont get hungry as fast?
    What species and size? Where are you? What size box?

    We should do this on a thread...
    I found my answer in another one of your posts, thank you!
    Hi Tom I’m a new member. I got a young leopard tortoise so been reading on here. Found a thread someone wanted a cheap natural looking hide.
    I found on Pinterest in a tortoise enclosure. It’s a pump cover.
    Lowe’s sells all shapes and sizes.
    It may not be a good ida and never want to recommend something not safe.
    I’ve not done an intro post yet but will soon.
    Post a picture in a regular thread, and tag me. I'll check it out.
    Hi Tom
    2 horsefield
    I have George who is around 1 year old and is great & I also have tiny, he was given to me When he arrived sept I was told he was around 1 year old he didn’t eat or poop couldn’t open his eye and didn’t move much- after a visit to the vet an a 3 week of antibiotic he is now eating and pooping regular, In sept he weighed just 56g but he hasn’t grown or put any weigh on since 57/58g now
    Any advice ?
    I hope they are living in separate enclosures. Here is the advice:
    Tom do you breed pancake, stars or radiated torts? If not can you recommend any reputable breeders, I’m looking to buy sometime in the beginning of next year. Thank in advance.
    I breed Burmese stars and should have a bunch hatching in the next few weeks. No pancakes, but I do love them. Check with my buddy Wade for those @wccmog10 I finally have a little male radiata and I'm hoping to get my first babies this coming year.
    Please post again when they hatch so we can see the progress.
    Howdy Tom! I was searching through threads for pics of adult enclosures, even though it'll be a few years before they'll need a space that big, but it's best to plan early right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I keep seeing the link to your old expansion thread posted, but it says the pictures are unavailable. Could you possibly repost them again please? You're the master and I want to see how to do things right.
    I have 1,100+ acres with nice grassy pastures, good burrowing soil and shady trees. So the sky's the limit. Other than ideas from your pics, I'm wondering if my backyard will be big enough or if I should extend it further into the pasture for more space.
    I'm looking to purchase a South African Leopard Tortoise and from what I've read on here you breed them. Will you have any available soon?
    Hi. Yes. I have a bunch incubating right now. They should be hatching in the next months or so.
    I live in Massachusetts. Do you ship in the winter?
    Not usually. Depends on the weather.
    Tom you use the 4x2s for the main frame and the 2x2s for the lid. What are the 3x2s used for?
    Are you still using 4x2 or have you moved to smaller sizes so you don't add unnecessary weight?
    I use 2x3s wherever I can when framing the boxes. Around the top, one of the two uprights in each corner, around the door frames, when build the frames inside the actual doors, etc... A few parts of the build require the 2x4s: The board along the back that the lid will attach to, the rain covers over the doors, the outside framing around the lid and on the floor, and the other inside corner pieces, etc...
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