Recent content by narattah

  1. narattah

    Baby Ploughshare Tortoise

    There are people here who keep adult pairs for future captive breeding so at least we will definitely be seeing some if not many hatchlings by then. As for Platynota, we also have some breeders here as well.
  2. narattah

    Baby Ploughshare Tortoise

    It would take many more years to have any captives. But hopefully there will be some good news in the future. That's my habitat and is taken by my camera, so you might be right :P
  3. narattah

    Baby Ploughshare Tortoise

    I'd like to share pictures of a baby Ploughshare tortoise. At this size, it does look like Indian Star with Sulcata shell :) Can you tell the difference?
  4. narattah


    Maybe the nuchal scute lacking ones inherit some Galapagos gene lol.
  5. narattah


    One of my Aldabras does not have a nuchal scute also, but it's as healthy as it can be :)
  6. narattah

    Sri Lankan or Indian Star?

    I thought my tortoise has quite yellow radiating lines on the shell, so as the skin. Could this be more towards a Sri Lankan than an Indian Star? The front one in this picture.
  7. narattah

    Otis taking it easy in his new enclosure

    I like the Lego house, a great expensive idea :)
  8. narattah

    High Orange Yniphora and more

    I was thinking the same thing. The breeding colonies need to be established more dynamically in case of any unfortunate events. Maybe in the next few years, they will.
  9. narattah

    Need a help sexing my Indian Stars

    Nope, never gave them any Celery. That was a kind of Chinese vegetable which I don't know the name. Google says it's a Chinese cabbage or bok choy, but I don't think it is. I has a high nutrition value and it is the most common vegetable that everyone feeds it here.. Here's a picture, do you...
  10. narattah

    High Orange Yniphora and more

    Oh nooo :(. I guess that video was not up to date then as it was posted last year (2009). How's the current situation at that place now? Is it consistently being restored?
  11. narattah

    High Orange Yniphora and more

    That is very sad to hear and I'm sorry for the lost of the male :( So where did that one and only hatchling go? Aren't there a big breeding program at Ankarafantsika National Park in Madagascar? You have probably seen this Yniphora video that says it,
  12. narattah

    Need a help sexing my Indian Stars

    They are about 4 years old. How about yours? Please share us some pictures of them? :rolleyes:
  13. narattah

    High domed Yniphora, Albino Sulcatas and more.

    Thank you for your concern, I'll address this issue to the owner and hopefully something could be done for a preventive measure. :cool:
  14. narattah

    High domed Yniphora, Albino Sulcatas and more.

    No, they have a good habitat at home. The owner brings them to work sometimes. Can't avoid them eating poops though.
  15. narattah

    High domed Yniphora, Albino Sulcatas and more.

    Yep, doesn't he look like a soccer ball?