
Well-Known Member
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Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Sporting results today have bern mixed.

Jamie Murray and his partner lost :(

Roger Federer lost :( Some fans disgusted me by booing Sascha Zverev. He is only 21 and looked like he was going to cry. No excuse for booing the winner at all!

In the rugby England managed to beat Japan ... and Wales ... well Wales beat Fiji 74-24[emoji33] Lyn, Adam and I are all delighted!!

JoesDad’s football team, Luton Town, beat Plymouth 5-1

Back to the tennis and the French pair we decided to support won too :)

One more match to go here - Djokovic v Anderson. I don’t really mind who wins this


Well-Known Member
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May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Afternoon Alles....

Was able to sell off one of the pair of winter boots I put on Craigs List earlier this week, AND the guy who came for the boots also hauled away a truck load of those pine logs I had cut up a month or so ago. Saved me from getting rid of, or splitting and burning all those logs. Even gave the guy a discount on the price.

Later, since it’s a sunny and in the 40’s kind of day, started up a fire in the fire pit, and burned a lot of nice well seasoned mixed wood up. We built a bed of coals, layed down a big brick, and put a tin foil wrapper of sweet potatoes on for later...

Hung up a few bird feeders and suet containers near the wood shed. While in the back garden, noticed that our cyclamen-like plants are blooming.

Pix of the cyclamen.



Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Afternoon Alles....

Was able to sell off one of the pair of winter boots I put on Craigs List earlier this week, AND the guy who came for the boots also hauled away a truck load of those pine logs I had cut up a month or so ago. Saved me from getting rid of, or splitting and burning all those logs. Even gave the guy a discount on the price.

Later, since it’s a sunny and in the 40’s kind of day, started up a fire in the fire pit, and burned a lot of nice well seasoned mixed wood up. We built a bed of coals, layed down a big brick, and put a tin foil wrapper of sweet potatoes on for later...

Hung up a few bird feeders and suet containers near the wood shed. While in the back garden, noticed that our cyclamen-like plants are blooming.

Pix of the cyclamen.

View attachment 257544

Sounds good. Especially the sweet potato baked in the fire..... yummmmmmmyyyyy! :)

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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Good morning all. I think my brain has caught up with my body this morning. I feel far less wiped out than I did yesterday. I might be able to cope woth something more complicated than operating the washing machine... operating the iron isn't on the cards though :D
After travelling back from SA which took about 17 hours, I couldn't remember how to turn the lights on the lights in my car!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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Wait! You put lemon juice and sugar on your pancakes!

You mix it and pour it over?
That's how we have ours in the UK as well, and traditionally on Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) in Feb. but you could have them anytime.
Sprinkle sugar and then add lemon juice and you can add whatever fillings you fancy (or not).
Our pancakes are quite thin and I like ice cream rolled in the them too.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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"Pizza roll" - Take a quantity of pizza dough (I make it in my bread-maker machine) and roll it into a square.

Topped with chopped, softened onion, thinly sliced mushrooms, grated strong cheddar and a pinch od mixed dried herbs

Roll like a Swiss Roll. Leave to rise for an hour. Bake at 200C/400F for 20 minutes or so.

Leave to cool. Chopped into chunky slices it makes easily portable packed lunches thst won't collapse if wrapped in clingfilm and shoved in your pocket.

I keep some in the freezer and pull it out when needed.

I also need to make a batch of Welsh Cakes (griddle scones) as my freezer supply of those has run out too
No tomato puree?
Sounds delicious, I may try that in school with the kids the next time I can't avoid cooking in social skills!
The Welsh cakes sound good too!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning all. It is Saturday at last :)

Today I shall be watching Tennis. The ATP World Finals, an indoor tournament, is on in London and JoesDad and I have tickets. I am partial to watching a tennis as you are probably aware :)

But first I must listen to the radio. My niece, the one who had her photo taken by Rankin, is going to be a guest on Saturday Live on national station Radio 4...alongside big names (in the UK at least) like Stephen Fry. She's getting about a bit at the moment!
Wish I'd seen that earlier I would have listened in!
Was she talking about her wood carving and how she manages to scrape a living out of it?;)

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
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Jul 22, 2014
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Today's tennis
Murray/Soares v Sock/M Bryan
Federer v Zverev
Herbert/Mahut v Farah/Cabal
Djokovic v Anderson

Some good matches there. I shall be supporting the first named in each match because ... Jamie Murray is a Brit, Federer is Federer, Herbert & Mahut are French and we saw them win the French Open in Paris earlier this year and because Kevin Anderson plays boring tennis (he's a big server and little else)
I watched the rugby - Wales beat Tonga 74-24.
It was quite strange watching Wales play in black kit and Tonga in red.
England beat Japan, and Scot lost to SA but the big news is that Ireland beat NZ - that's a surprise as the All Blacks tend to dominate!!
Well done to Ireland!!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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The valley I live in has a smokey pall over the whole area. The sun is quite feeble. No wind or rain in the near future, so we're stuck with the smoke. I feel so sorry for all the lives and homes lost. What a terrible thing - fire. Not much is said about all the animals lost. Can you imagine the large hooved creatures? Most people can evacuate with their dogs, cats, birds - but what about their horses and goats, etc. I know this sounds selfish, but I really need to make a fire in my wood stove to warm up the house. I have two Vision Cages full of baby tortoises, and when the house is cold the thin walls of those cages don't allow for the heaters inside to warm them up enough. But I hate to add to the poor air quality by making a fire. The wood stove is the only way for me to heat my house. I'll put it off for another day, but I'm pretty sure I'll have to make a fire tomorrow.
I have been sparing a thought for the animals too, it must be horrific for them.

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