Jacky And Daisy


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Nov 4, 2021
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Thanks so much will do that. We’ve got her some of the things from the Tortoise table food list as well but she hasn’t eaten them yet but we will keep trying.
Dear Sue,

Jacky has been eating strawberries today and she did go out but not for long because of the weather. I have been better today but I am still not eating what I normally eat. Is Nutabol good for tortoises and of course the answer is and of course the answer is no. I don't expect Zola went out because of the weather but I know they are off Tavistock tomorrow. I better go as dinner is nearly ready.

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - we have actually had lovely sunny weather here, and my dad took me to the breakwater this afternoon - I had a very long walk, with lots of climbing and sliding, and I didn't want to stop ! In the end my dad said we must go back, as my mum would wonder what we were up to - when we got back, I kept on climbing and pushing things about in my room - including pushing my mum - she got fed up, and went away in the end. I think we are going to Barnstaple tomorrow, if my friend Mr Patt has got some nice radicchio for me (we always phone first, to check) His warehouse is near a little village called Gunn, and is very high up in the hills. We might see some baby lambs - I hope so - they are so lovely.
I forgot to tell you I was weighed at the Post Office last week, and I was 1kilo 10gms.
I hope you will feel a lot better tomorrow.
Lots of love to you, Jacky and Angel Daisy, and all our forum friends from Zola xxxxxx
and Angie xxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Hello Natrah - we have actually had lovely sunny weather here, and my dad took me to the breakwater this afternoon - I had a very long walk, with lots of climbing and sliding, and I didn't want to stop ! In the end my dad said we must go back, as my mum would wonder what we were up to - when we got back, I kept on climbing and pushing things about in my room - including pushing my mum - she got fed up, and went away in the end. I think we are going to Barnstaple tomorrow, if my friend Mr Patt has got some nice radicchio for me (we always phone first, to check) His warehouse is near a little village called Gunn, and is very high up in the hills. We might see some baby lambs - I hope so - they are so lovely.
I forgot to tell you I was weighed at the Post Office last week, and I was 1kilo 10gms.
I hope you will feel a lot better tomorrow.
Lots of love to you, Jacky and Angel Daisy, and all our forum friends from Zola xxxxxx
and Angie xxxxx
Dear Zola,

I'm glad you all got to go out. We've had awful weather here but Jacky did go out for a short while. She stretched her legs before tucking into strawberries. I was going to leave strawberries this week but Sue (@MoggyMad) Sainsbury's had run out of Romaine lettuce and do like to give something for hydration. I did go out because I needed to do some shopping as the computer is being collected tomorrow. That sounds like a good weight and Jacky's weight looks okay to me. Has your mum seen my new thread called "Is Nutabol good for tortoises?"? Have you seen this Sue? By the way I hope Amanda and Ernie are okay.


Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy


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Mar 1, 2023
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Dear Zola,

I'm glad you all got to go out. We've had awful weather here but Jacky did go out for a short while. She stretched her legs before tucking into strawberries. I was going to leave strawberries this week but Sue (@MoggyMad) Sainsbury's had run out of Romaine lettuce and do like to give something for hydration. I did go out because I needed to do some shopping as the computer is being collected tomorrow. That sounds like a good weight and Jacky's weight looks okay to me. Has your mum seen my new thread called "Is Nutabol good for tortoises?"? Have you seen this Sue? By the way I hope Amanda and Ernie are okay.


Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy
I’ve just read the thread you mentioned. I would be cautious before doing anything different especially as Jacky sounds like she’s in very good health!
I have tried putting calcium on some of Dickies food today. She’s eaten the bits I fed her with but just walked over the rest of the dusted food. It’s not something she’s had before. She is getting plenty of sun at the moment which is good.
Dickie likes romaine lettuce but not strawberries! She does like a little piece of peach now & again. Yes I know it’s naughty. We‘re just happy to see her eating again although I’d be happier if she ate things from the garden too as i havent seen her do that yet apart from a bit of grass. She eats if you hold the food to her mouth especially dandelions which we pick for her.
Next few days look like being even warmer so 🤞


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
I’ve just read the thread you mentioned. I would be cautious before doing anything different especially as Jacky sounds like she’s in very good health!
I have tried putting calcium on some of Dickies food today. She’s eaten the bits I fed her with but just walked over the rest of the dusted food. It’s not something she’s had before. She is getting plenty of sun at the moment which is good.
Dickie likes romaine lettuce but not strawberries! She does like a little piece of peach now & again. Yes I know it’s naughty. We‘re just happy to see her eating again although I’d be happier if she ate things from the garden too as i havent seen her do that yet apart from a bit of grass. She eats if you hold the food to her mouth especially dandelions which we pick for her.
Next few days look like being even warmer so 🤞
Good evening everyone!

Sorry Sue your last sentence reminded Daisy leading Jacky straight to the vegetable patch in my friend's garden 🤣. It's good that Dickie likes Romaine lettuce I find it useful to put calcium but as Sainsbury's ran out of the lettuce Jacky had tomatoes. Try Dickie with strawberry tops because that was Jacky and Daisy's favourite. Yes I do think of my Facebook friend's tortoises (that's the one who advised me against dandelions and greens!) but Jacky and Daisy could be very fussy and we're masters anything different about their food. I used medication residue on Daisy's food and she would eat around it! Jacky would avoid some new foods altogether and it took me longer to eat inside than it did with Daisy.

I still seem to be recovering but I am getting there. Anyway spent a lot of time outside today and I spent waiting for the computer to be taken away to be looked at again as it doesn't want to know the printer but the man didn't turn up anyway. I hope Zola has his Radicchio (that's a lovely picture of him Angie!) and I hope Dickie likes this.

Goodnight everyone and Jacky says a special goodnight.

Natrah and Angel Daisy


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Natrah - we did go to get my radicchio today - it was a lovely drive, as the trees are just coming into full leaf, and are very fresh and green. I got 4 radicchio, and they charge my dad £2 each, which I think is a special low price because they like to see me. When we got back, I wanted to go out to yhe breakwater, but I had to wait while they had lunch. I got there in the end, and had a good walk - sitting on my mum's lap in the car is ok, but I do like to stretch my legs (partly to keep them in good shape, as my penfriend Teztez in Chippenham admires them a lot ) I got a bit too lively in the end, so my mum took me into another room and stroked my head quietly in the dark - I enjoyed that a lot and got very quiet and still,.
I think we may go to the bluebells tomorrow.
Lots of love from Zola to you, Jacky,Angel Daisy, and all my forum friends xxxxxx
-and love from Angie too xxxxxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello again, Natrah -We went to see the bluebells today, but my dad says he couldn't get very good photos of me in the flowers, because as soon as he put me down, I started running towards him ! We didn't go very far into the wood - partly because my mum had trouble walking, as the path is steep, and there are lots of thick tree roots across it, but also because the motorway running close below the slope was very noisy, so one couldn't just enjoy the flowers and the birdsong. It was very lovely though, and the drive there was beautiful in places.
I had another walk on the breakwater this afternoon and got a bit overexcited when I got back, but my mum sat with me in the dark, like yesterday, and gave me a long stroke - I think she finds it soothing too.
Lots of love to you, Jacky and Angel Daisy, and to all my forum friends from Zola xxxxxx
and Angie xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello again,Natrah - I hope you are feeling much better now - and that you have got your computer sorted. My mum had her balance class this morning, and is improving, they say. I had a very long walk on the breakwater this afternoon, and when I got home I was very tired, and let my mum stroke me for a long time
We tried a new position, with me lying sideways and her hand right over my head, and it was very nice - I have been whistling quite a bit sometimes when I walk along the breakwater, and at other times too, but I didn't whistle at all when her hand was over my head. Tomorrow my mum and dad go for covid injections, but they won't take me with them, in case the nurse wants to give me one too !
Here is a photo of me in the bluebell wood ...zb15.jpg
Love to you, Jacky and Angel Daisy, and all our forum friends
from Zola and Angie xxxxx


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - it has been quite hot here all day, and very sunny - my dad was pleased, as he wanted to repair some of the wooden trim on our front porch, and to paint it, which he did. He also took me for a long walk on the breakwater, and I am really tired , so I will just say goodnight to you, Jacky and Angel Daisy, and all my forum friends xxxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

I had meant to post yesterday but it got very late. There was a lot of traffic coming out of Rayleigh and the bus started off very slowly. I think there are road works somewhere but the traffic in usually slow when going into town but it usually faster when I leave at 7 pm. Anyway I saw Zola's beautiful picture of him surrounded by Blue Bells and I read both of his posts and he is so lucky to be living in such a beautiful part of the country. Angie how are you today? I'm feeling much better now although I decided to give my friend's Growing Together Garden's May Fayre a miss. They would have had food there but I have been very careful about what I eat.

Anyway like Zola has been enjoying the weather she was out all day eating, basking and climbing. How about you Dickie? Have you been enjoying the weather and how do you get on with George? Is it warm enough for Sapphire yet (@CathieG)?

By the way another cause of my eczema. I wondered why I have had it on my hands recently when I had been so careful and I think it is down to picking dandelions for Jacky. However I will do anything for her so I will keep picking them?

I will be going out a bit later to see if I can glimpse Aurora Borealis.

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy

PS: Sherman, Jacky wants to know how your home improvements are coming on?

For Zola:IMG20240509133046.jpg


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2023
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Hello Natrah
yes I have been enjoying the weather a lot. I am practising my perimeter walk to see how fast I can do one circuit 😄 I think I would be going at top speed if Sherman was behind me. He hasn’t done anymore DIY as he wants to be outside now.
I have seen some bluebells in my garden but not as many as Zola. I tried to get behind the water butt yesterday & got a bit stuck & had to be lifted out. I went back for another try but I see they have put a metal watering can in the way now. Jacky, do you have any tips on how to get through a gap sideways?
I left Sue a present right outside the shed door then a bit further away a wet present too. I’ve been given lots of different foods to try but I’m sticking to my favourites for now. The dandelions are delicious.
Heard it might rain tomorrow but if it’s warm I’ll still be going out. Off to bed now to rest up ready for my next practise run tomorrow.

Goodnight all


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Hello Natrah
yes I have been enjoying the weather a lot. I am practising my perimeter walk to see how fast I can do one circuit 😄 I think I would be going at top speed if Sherman was behind me. He hasn’t done anymore DIY as he wants to be outside now.
I have seen some bluebells in my garden but not as many as Zola. I tried to get behind the water butt yesterday & got a bit stuck & had to be lifted out. I went back for another try but I see they have put a metal watering can in the way now. Jacky, do you have any tips on how to get through a gap sideways?
I left Sue a present right outside the shed door then a bit further away a wet present too. I’ve been given lots of different foods to try but I’m sticking to my favourites for now. The dandelions are delicious.
Heard it might rain tomorrow but if it’s warm I’ll still be going out. Off to bed now to rest up ready for my next practise run tomorrow.

Goodnight all


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Hello Natrah
yes I have been enjoying the weather a lot. I am practising my perimeter walk to see how fast I can do one circuit 😄 I think I would be going at top speed if Sherman was behind me. He hasn’t done anymore DIY as he wants to be outside now.
I have seen some bluebells in my garden but not as many as Zola. I tried to get behind the water butt yesterday & got a bit stuck & had to be lifted out. I went back for another try but I see they have put a metal watering can in the way now. Jacky, do you have any tips on how to get through a gap sideways?
I left Sue a present right outside the shed door then a bit further away a wet present too. I’ve been given lots of different foods to try but I’m sticking to my favourites for now. The dandelions are delicious.
Heard it might rain tomorrow but if it’s warm I’ll still be going out. Off to bed now to rest up ready for my next practise run tomorrow.

Goodnight all
Dear Dickie,

You could try this:

Jacky IMG20230927113205.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Dickie,

How thoughtful of you to give Sue the presents? I hope she remembered to say thankyou. Unfortunately Natrah found my gift two days later and got rid of it! How rude? Zola have you left any presents for Angie?

Anyway did you two and Sherman see the northern lights. Natrah went for a stroll to the seafront last night night and she thought there was a purple haze towards London. Also there was a very luminous light shining through the bedroom with bit later.

We've had an excellent day here and Natrah went out for a quick lunch whilst I spent most of the day outside. Below is a picture of just before bedtime:

Just before I go Daisy used to mess at the back door of the old house like Dickie🤣! Also I bet Zola went out.

Goodnight everyone

Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah IMG20240512190344.jpg


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Jacky - I did go out today for my usual look at the sea, but it was very misty, with quite a cold wind, and my dad decided that it wouldn't be a good day for the breakwater. Tomorrow is going to possibly be very wet, so perhaps not then either. But yes, I offered my mum a couple of presents in my room, but I'm not sure she really appreciates them.
Goodnight to you,Natrah and Angel Daisy, and love to you and all my forum friends xxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2023
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No Jacky none of us saw the aurora but I do go to bed early. Sue was outside after midnight looking for George. She woke me up calling him. She didn’t see the lights either.
I noticed a trailcam in the garden for a few days. I expect I was on it along with the birds & one night a fox visited too. George is also on there. He doesn’t mind me being in the garden, in fact he quite often comes & sits near me. He doesn’t like me being in the house though. They have put the cage & lamp away now so other than having a bath I hope I don’t need to go indoors anymore.
George made me jump the the other day. Whilst I was eating a lettuce leaf he suddenly pounced on the leaf that was moving! He was only playing & didn’t mean me any harm.
No rain today so Pete watered the plants. He’s finding me lots of dandelions.
Goodnight everyone


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Good evening everyone!

It was a bit cooler today but I did go out and stretch my legs. I was also up bright and early and I decided to do some housework before breakfast however I was annoyed because before Natrah brought me my breakfast she looked at the enclosure and said "Oh! Dear!" before "clearing" it up. I was only burying myself under the carpet strips so I don't know what the problem was. Anyway I hope everyone got to go out and also Natrah noticed a Silver-Y moth trying to get in the window this morning.

Goodnight everyone

Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah

PS: Sapphire (@Cathie G), PeeWee, Seymour (@MenagerieGrl), Sally, Squirt and GGGGGAAAARRRYYYY (@Chefdenoel10) do you all leave presents for your parents?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - It was wet and cold and windy today, and we only made a short trip to the sea, but there was also a lot of mist over the water, so not much to see. In the afternoon, my dad made a fire for me to sit with my mum, and we had a lovely stroke together, with the curtains closed. We have just been watching an episode of Robin Hood on the tv - dating from when my mum and dad were children - it was really good. Did you see any of the Eurovision song contest on Saturday - my dad recorded it, and they tried to watch it on tv, but it was so loud, with lots of flashing lights , that they gave up very quickly ! My mum had me covered over on her lap, with her hand over my ears, so I just went to sleep.
I hope you are feeling a lot better now.
Love to you, Jacky , Angel Daisy and all my forum friends from Angie and me, Zola xxxxxxxxx

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