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New Member
5 Year Member
Sep 23, 2009
Thankyou all for the nice welcome and info on my ornate box turtle.
don't wanna name her untill I am sure she is a she. she is now getting all her food dipped in calcium vitamin d powder. haven't found a light yet but going out tomorrow to hunt for one. I will keep you all posted as she heals. dh found a nice gravel mix to add to her pine sheddings for her cage bedding. she eats well and seems to like a bug or worm a day. thankyou it is so nice to know I am doing right by her. new turtle lover

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I'm so glad that you are taking such good care of your new little ornate box turtle.

Pine shavings are one of the WORST bedding materials you can provide for a turtle or tortoise. They contain harmful oils that can make your little box turtle blind. Please remove the shavings immediately! If you look in the reptile department of any pet store, you will find things like Forest Floor, Jungle Bed, etc. These are cypress mulch. They are much better for your little box turtle. You can even use clean garden soil. Gravel isn't too good either,as it could cause an impaction if she ingests too much of it with her food.



New Member
5 Year Member
Sep 23, 2009
emysemys said:
I'm so glad that you are taking such good care of your new little ornate box turtle.

Pine shavings are one of the WORST bedding materials you can provide for a turtle or tortoise. They contain harmful oils that can make your little box turtle blind. Please remove the shavings immediately! If you look in the reptile department of any pet store, you will find things like Forest Floor, Jungle Bed, etc. These are cypress mulch. They are much better for your little box turtle. You can even use clean garden soil. Gravel isn't too good either,as it could cause an impaction if she ingests too much of it with her food.


Thankyou but I was wrong dh says he used doug fir droppings with mini pine cones ans sifted sandy dirt found a light today a desert series 50 rxzilla light. boy pet store people are in the dark, at best they read the box to you. thankyou again carol

Maggie Cummings

Fir and pine are pretty much the same thing. That substrate is toxic to turtles and will make him very sick or kill him. I seriously suggest you take it out immediately. You can use top soil, or get eco earth from the pet store. You can use potting soil without additives, anything but not pine, fir or cedar. I used the wrong substrate and killed one small tortoise and blinded another so I really know what I am talking about. You are putting him in danger.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Here I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. I have used Orchid Bark (brand name Wonderbark) for many, many years because it is pure with no pesticides and fertilizers. Orchids are very temperamental. And my tortoises have done very well on orchid bark. Wonder upon wonder: Orchid bark is from fir trees!!



5 Year Member
Aug 28, 2009
This is a good story, I can't wait to hear of your little cutie's progress! Good on you!
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