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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
With what it is taking to keep up with our two larger sulcatas, I just can't imagine having 12. You certainly have some beauties, of course in their own special way, aren't they all beautiful?


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5 Year Member
Aug 29, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
New Jersey
Hi Suzanne and welcome! We are new to Sulcata and only have 1 1month old. I can't imagine having 11! Great pics. What are their names?

Suzanne klein

New Member
5 Year Member
Sep 2, 2010
emysemys said:
Looks like the guy in that last picture had a terrible accident. What happened?

How big is the yard where the biggest tortoise is? Maybe you can divide it up and let the smaller guys out there while you plant their pen.

That little guy was bit by a dog. I got him after the vet cleaned it all up and his shell has been healing preety well. I have a few others that have been left in a glass tank and the shell is very squshed together but that little guy is doing well. We get all kinds in the rescue.

Jacqui said:
With what it is taking to keep up with our two larger sulcatas, I just can't imagine having 12. You certainly have some beauties, of course in their own special way, aren't they all beautiful?

I am sur eas they all get larger I will be needing to rehome many of them but for know they are great and I love each and every one of them

emysemys said:
Looks like the guy in that last picture had a terrible accident. What happened?

How big is the yard where the biggest tortoise is? Maybe you can divide it up and let the smaller guys out there while you plant their pen.

I am going to look into that. Thanks for the tip. I will post pictures of the yard this weekend.

froghaven5 said:
Hi Suzanne and welcome! We are new to Sulcata and only have 1 1month old. I can't imagine having 11! Great pics. What are their names?

I only have names for some of them. They are hard to tell apart. But with have Shredder which is my largest, Crusier, Toby, Rob and the little ones the kids are working on names and was to tell who is who
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