I hibernated Tommy for 12 weeks


New Member
Dec 10, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Three years ago when I put Tommy into hibernation in the fridge, I had a inside and outside box thermometer and I kept a careful eye on the temperatures. They kept saying the temperature was too high so I kept turning it down, one day, after a particularly sharp frost I went to the fridge for a tin of opened dog food only to find it was frozen solid, oh sausages I thought what about Tommy. I got Tommy out and he was frozen.

I was very upset thinking I had lost him, but I put him on a micro fleece on top of the radiator while I combed Google to see if there was any hope, news not good, most said he would be dead, some said if he lived he would be no good, but one said she had put her tortoise on the side to bury later, and when she went back after several hours he was moving his feet.

I took this hope and went upstairs and put his lights on, wrapped him in kitchen roll and placed him under his lights. After checking him every hour, about 10 hours later I thought when I touched his foot that it moved. I picked him up and went downstairs to my husband and asked him to watch and tell me if I was imagining it. He watched and said ’he moved his head’. After several months he was back to normal, but I haven’t put him in hibernation since.

This year he went really sleepy and didn’t want any food so I decided to put him in hibernation again. He has had 12 weeks in hibernation, and I couldn’t wait much longer so I woke him up yesterday. He woke up, had a soak, went upstairs for a quiet time, had another soak, had a potter round, then went to bed. This morning he had a soak, had a very little nibble of a tomato, had a potter round, had another soak, had another potter, then went to bed. I am so pleased that this hibernation went well.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Three years ago when I put Tommy into hibernation in the fridge, I had a inside and outside box thermometer and I kept a careful eye on the temperatures. They kept saying the temperature was too high so I kept turning it down, one day, after a particularly sharp frost I went to the fridge for a tin of opened dog food only to find it was frozen solid, oh sausages I thought what about Tommy. I got Tommy out and he was frozen.

I was very upset thinking I had lost him, but I put him on a micro fleece on top of the radiator while I combed Google to see if there was any hope, news not good, most said he would be dead, some said if he lived he would be no good, but one said she had put her tortoise on the side to bury later, and when she went back after several hours he was moving his feet.

I took this hope and went upstairs and put his lights on, wrapped him in kitchen roll and placed him under his lights. After checking him every hour, about 10 hours later I thought when I touched his foot that it moved. I picked him up and went downstairs to my husband and asked him to watch and tell me if I was imagining it. He watched and said ’he moved his head’. After several months he was back to normal, but I haven’t put him in hibernation since.

This year he went really sleepy and didn’t want any food so I decided to put him in hibernation again. He has had 12 weeks in hibernation, and I couldn’t wait much longer so I woke him up yesterday. He woke up, had a soak, went upstairs for a quiet time, had another soak, had a potter round, then went to bed. This morning he had a soak, had a very little nibble of a tomato, had a potter round, had another soak, had another potter, then went to bed. I am so pleased that this hibernation went well.
Awesome story. So glad for you. Amazing how resilient they are. Heat kills them faster than the cold. Glad everything worked out.

Jan A

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Boulder, CO
Three years ago when I put Tommy into hibernation in the fridge, I had a inside and outside box thermometer and I kept a careful eye on the temperatures. They kept saying the temperature was too high so I kept turning it down, one day, after a particularly sharp frost I went to the fridge for a tin of opened dog food only to find it was frozen solid, oh sausages I thought what about Tommy. I got Tommy out and he was frozen.

I was very upset thinking I had lost him, but I put him on a micro fleece on top of the radiator while I combed Google to see if there was any hope, news not good, most said he would be dead, some said if he lived he would be no good, but one said she had put her tortoise on the side to bury later, and when she went back after several hours he was moving his feet.

I took this hope and went upstairs and put his lights on, wrapped him in kitchen roll and placed him under his lights. After checking him every hour, about 10 hours later I thought when I touched his foot that it moved. I picked him up and went downstairs to my husband and asked him to watch and tell me if I was imagining it. He watched and said ’he moved his head’. After several months he was back to normal, but I haven’t put him in hibernation since.

This year he went really sleepy and didn’t want any food so I decided to put him in hibernation again. He has had 12 weeks in hibernation, and I couldn’t wait much longer so I woke him up yesterday. He woke up, had a soak, went upstairs for a quiet time, had another soak, had a potter round, then went to bed. This morning he had a soak, had a very little nibble of a tomato, had a potter round, had another soak, had another potter, then went to bed. I am so pleased that this hibernation went well.
What a great story!! Thanks for sharing. And welcome to the forum!