Humidity for a hingeback

Crafty carolyn

New Member
Jun 29, 2014
I'm new here
A bit nervous
I have a two year old bells hingeback tortoise. My research says he needs 80%. Humidity . This seems high. We brought a humidifier but did not think about a moniter of humidity . The varium is about 85c . I've researched his diet and I'm happy with that but at the moment Stumpy favours fruit. I hope he will settle down soon.

Yvonne G

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Here's a link to some general info about hingeback tortoises:

We have a few members on the Forum who keep them and can give you good info about them...Jacqui, tortadise, just to name two of them.



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Is he CB? I guess you're in Europe rather than the US as bells, especially young ones are extremely hard to get in the US-just seen your previous post, you're in Yorkshire. I'm in Wilts, nice to have another UK member. Presumably we're talking about nogueyi rather than the other subspecies that are rarely bred, yes they like high humidity, but they are not full rainforest tortoises like some species of hingebacks. Care is very similar to Red Foots in that respect, maybe slightly less humid, but some don't like basking spots as much. I would aim to keep it between 70-85% ambient, with a little humid hide. Simply, this can be achieved by placing a plastic box with a cut-out entrance, with moss inside, and placing a heat mat underneath. Check out Mick's care-sheet on here:
@Yvonne G , could you make that a sticky again? It's a pain to have to find it and link it every time people want a caresheet for nogueyi, and Mick's one is one of the best around.