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Jul 27, 2008
Hiya my name is Diane and I have a Sulcata tortoise called Jinxy, it was my mother's tortoise but I am looking after it now as my mother passed away. I don't know exactly how old he is, but reckon he must be around 50 years old if not older.

Yvonne G

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Hi Diane, and welcome to the forum!! I'm so sorry to hear that you've lost your mother. How big is Jinxy? I'll bet he's not as old as you think he is...that would be a VERY big sulcata! Over 150lbs. My sulcata, Dudley, is 18 years old and weighs a little over 100lbs. Are you keeping him outside? They come from Africa and are grazers. They are most happy when allowed to roam in a large pasture and graze on the grasses and weeds that grow there. But be sure that his yard is escape proof. They are very good at finding a way OUT! They don't hibernate, and you have to provide a warm-house or heated shed in the winter or they will die. We are just now starting to realize that the statement made in the last sentence MIGHT not be true. Some folks have reported finding over-wintered sulcata tortoises still alive after losing them the previous fall. But to be safe, its best to provide them with a warm-house during the cold winter. It is ok to feed your sulcata grocery store greens, but its better for them to graze. I sometimes use Spring Mix, and occasionally supplement with Mazuri Tortoise Diet. If you provide a mud wallow, they love to splash around and toss mud. And a drinking dish would be appreciated too. Pictures are pretty easy to post here on the forum. I'd LOVE to see your new tortoise!

Again, welcome to the forum. Sometime when you have a few extra minutes, go to the section entitled Sulcata Central and just read some of the posts sulcata keepers have written: http://tortoiseforum.org/sulcata-central-f-3.html



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Losing your mother is hard *hug*, but so neat that you have a living thriving part of her love in Jinxy. Look forward to seeing and hearing more about Jinxy.


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Welcome to the forum Diane. Sorry to hear your mother has passed. Did you helped take care of Jinxy in the past?
I too am looking forward to seeing pics of Jinxy and hearing stories about him. How long did your mother have him?


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Jul 27, 2008
Well Jinxy must be about 50 years old cos we had him when I was a child and I am now 50 years old, plus we were given him by somebody else and I don't know how long they had him. He is not that big, he measures 22cm from base to tip of shell, 10cm high and he weighs 1325 grams, don't know if this is about normal size for his age or what. I keep him in a glass tank indoors during the evenings but in the day he has a pen in the garden but also roams around the garden, many a day there has been a search party going on in the garden looking for him, I know he can't escape the garden but would not like to keep him outdoors at night because I don't know if they have any predators.

Actually I not really sure what breed he is, I thought he was a Sulcata but maybe not, I wish I could get a picture on here for you but do not have a digital camera. I will see what I can do, perhaps if I got a photo it might help you to identify it for me. Watch this space lol

Yvonne G

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Jul 27, 2008
Hi, I now have some photos of Jinxy, thanks to my nephew, perhaps from these somebody may be able to identify which species Jinxy is. Cheers Diane

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Aug 31, 2007
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Hi Diane,
I take it your in the UK :D as you have a North African spur thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca graeca most likely of Algerian origin.
He is also a bit light for his size, he should be about 2,000g. He needs a bit of a beak trim also and his nails.

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