Hermann Tortoise indoor year round?

Hermann tortoise indoor year round?

  • Yes, they can be happy year round indoor.

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • No, that is cruel to do.

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
5 Year Member
Nov 11, 2013
Do you think a adult Hermann tortoise can be a happy tortoise in a 6 by 3 foot enclosure with no outdoor time and no hibernation?

Thanks alot! I'm looking into getting a Hermann but if he wont be happy under the conditions I can provide for him I will give up on the idea for now :)


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Its not that simple. They can be maintained indoors year round with some effort and expense, but I think 3x6' is too small. Remember, they live for many decades. When I envision a tortoise walking around a large backyard with weeds, sunshine and hiding places, its a good vision in my mind. When I envision a tortoise in a small indoor rectangle year after year with no sunshine or seasons or large areas to roam, it is not a good vision for me.

There is nothing wrong with indoor housing for inclement weather or starting babies, etc, but full time, all year every year, does not seem like an enriching life to me. Others may see it differently.

It seems to me that you already know this, or you wouldn't be asking the question.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Aug 6, 2013
I've never tried to house completely indoors, but I have noticed that my red foot's activity dropped when I brought him in full time for the winter. This despite a well planted 4'x3' enclosure (He's about 3.5"), consistent day length and temps. Recently I bought a 6' diameter wading pool that I set up and rearrange as a 'play pen' with ever changing PVC tunnels, hills, etc. The extra mental stimulation seems to have increased his activity level and appetite. Something like this might be worth trying for an indoor- only tort.


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Aug 2, 2012
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i agree that the enclosure size is too small. at least 4x8 or as large as you can manage, the bigger the better. i live in an area where my torts can only go outside for maybe 5 months of the year and even then, i bring them inside at night/during bad weather. if you have anywhere you can build an outdoor enclosure that he cannot escape from then i say go for it! even if the enclosure isn't large (minimum 2x4) just plant some grass and weeds, add some hides and a water dish and it would suffice. a tortoise without ever feeling sunshine or grass in years is a sad tortoise. hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 18, 2008
Absolutely yes they can!!! And if done right will thrive and reproduce. Hibernation is NOT required at all!! Old school myth that hibernation is required for health and productivity!!


Dec 1, 2013
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zenoandthetortoise said:
I've never tried to house completely indoors, but I have noticed that my red foot's activity dropped when I brought him in full time for the winter. This despite a well planted 4'x3' enclosure (He's about 3.5"), consistent day length and temps. Recently I bought a 6' diameter wading pool that I set up and rearrange as a 'play pen' with ever changing PVC tunnels, hills, etc. The extra mental stimulation seems to have increased his activity level and appetite. Something like this might be worth trying for an indoor- only tort.
Hi. Can you please post a picture of this enclosure? I would love to see what it looks like.



Active Member
5 Year Member
Aug 6, 2013
Hi. Can you please post a picture of this enclosure? I would love to see what it looks like.


I'd be happy to, but won't be able to till tomorrow. Just for clarification, do you mean the regular enclosure or the temporary playpen?


Dec 1, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
zenoandthetortoise said:
Hi. Can you please post a picture of this enclosure? I would love to see what it looks like.


I'd be happy to, but won't be able to till tomorrow. Just for clarification, do you mean the regular enclosure or the temporary playpen?
The temporary playpen.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Oct 3, 2013
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Fargo, ND
I too would love to see that playpen! :)

I agree with what Tom and others have said. Outdoors is always better whenever possible. That being said, it's not always possible, and most people here will understand that. BUT I do think that saying you will never ever bring your tort outside is not because of an inability to do so, but an unwillingness to do so. Even if you live in an apartment like me in the frigid north, with no balcony and a lawn with an unknown amount of pesticides and fertilizers, I have made arrangements to get my hatchling access to a "clean" lawn (my MIL's) when weather permits. I have 4-6 months a year that I should be able to bring him outside 1-3 times a week, even if only for an hour or two...let him "play" and soak up some natural UV/D3. I have plans to make him a playpen too, where I have control over his environment and can take him outside. When we finally get our own home in a few years, he will have an outdoor enclosure built. He may not winter there, or even stay overnight, but around the time he's a juvi/young adult, he'll have his own outdoor space.

If you'd like to start with your tortoise being indoor only for the first few years, that's ok. But you can still bring it outside a couple times a week for at least part of the year, even if only for a couple hours.

As far as your indoor enclosure goes, I agree that that is too small for a adult Hermann's. A 4x8 should be your minimum. That being said, my permanent enclosure that I am having my stepdad build is a 3x6...that's the biggest footprint I have room for in my apartment. BUT I'm making it a double decker, with a ramp to the top. Twice the space, same footprint. Plus, the way I'm building it, it will have a closed chamber for the lower level (great for little ones), and a open topped (screen covered), heavily planted upper level that he will have access to once he's bigger. :)

Here's a crappy phone pic of my basic plans. http://www.tortoiseforum.org/attachment.php?aid=58612 Hope that helps! :)

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