Follow-up to the Renton show


Active Member
10 Year Member!
Apr 1, 2010
The Renton show was a success! I sold all my Iberas (I took 6/ 2-3 years old) and all but 1 of my red's (I took 3/4 year olds) to good homes. Only had to refuse one sale because the client didn't have a clue what a Redfoot was much less what they needed.

I also sold all the beginner enclosures I designed. They are in the 'tortoise table' fashion but modified based on what has worked for me the last 10 years. I also sold all of my Mazuri!

Talked with previous customers that report their torts purchased from me are doing well. Educated people all day about the proper care of tortoises!

Something I didn't expect was the onslaught of question about Russians. I don't deal with Russians so I have limited knowledge....apparently I need to brush up because I had tons of people asking me to help them out with their pet store purchased Russians!

All in all it was busy and I educated lots of people about the proper care of torts!

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