Estivation or Digging for fun?

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Dec 18, 2008
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Hey everyone! Lately Trevor has been digging up a storm.

Since it's been getting warmer, I've been keeping an eye on his temperatures in his enclosure. When the cool end is over 80, I turn off his light. I could raise it up, but he wouldn't be getting UVB above where I have it anyways. This cools the enclosure down quickly, and it's usually in the late afternoon when he's getting ready for bed. The house lights are on for him over his enclosure, or else I'd put in a regular bulb. Does this sound good?

Any other warm weather tips? I've been making sure to wet his greens and encourage him to soak.

With the digging, do I have to worry that he's trying to estivate? He's been digging big burrows in strange places in his enclosure, different than normal. Today he uprooted a huge pile of aspen right under his light.

His sleeping habits have also changed lately. Sometimes he sleeps nearly all day, and other times he's up early. Doesn't seem to matter when he goes to sleep. I have been noticing that sometimes when he's in his burrow he isn't actually asleep. That makes me feel a little better because he just might be hiding and relaxing.



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Nov 9, 2008
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That's interesting that he's been so lack luster lately, since summer is a time that they usually gorge themselves on meals to save up stores for winter.

Anouk is just the opposite, she's up everyday by 9:30 (that's when I usually get up--sometimes later :p) She eats around 10:30, is hungry again around 1 or 2pm, and nibbles her second meal throughout the day until bed time at around 6:30-7.

But she is very active all day...even more so than Nigel. She does laps, and pushes things, and climbs whatever she can. But she also digs down and naps...and daily does what I call the "submarine"--which is her burying, and then coming back up until her head, and front part of her shell are showing, and just kinda, resting like that.

Here's a pic:

But, we have had alot of rain lately, for the past four days or so, quite solidly, and I have to say, it affected every animal in my care.

Anouk and Nigel BOTH slept in till 11 on one or two days (very abnormal) and my gecko's didn't touch their food.

Animals, even snakes and torts and geckos can feel changes in the barometric pressure system (some constrictors even give birth (yes, birth, not lay eggs) only during/after a good storm front) and I am positive that this, and the slightly cooler temps are what caused the change in behavior.

Since I know you are very on top of Trevor's health, and there really couldn't be an underlying problem, is the weather in your area to blame? I know it rains alot in WA...but you've said its been warm? So I dunno...where did he come from again? FL? How long have you had him now?


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Dec 18, 2008
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He was soooo active over the weekend--if a tort could run, he was running--trying out the little ramps up and down from his log we made. He slows down during the weekdays when he gets less attention (I'm at work during his waking hours). he does have that little parasite and is between 3 rounds of meds for it. I hasn't rained in three weeks, and warmer than he's used to. That's why I thought estivation. He's from CA but I've had him since December. I'm not worried about him, but I was wondering if this was actually estivation or not. He's still up and about and eating everyday, which is what matters!

Trevor was doing today what Anouk is doing in that pic! He emerged out of the aspen after making a huge mess. hehe He usually doesn't dig down to nap. He naps in his hay pile under the light. Maybe he didn't feel like it today?

He's also been climbing the walls a lot lately. He has a ton of space. We try to get him outside in his container but that doesn't happen to much. We moved stuff around hopefully to stimulate him so he's not trying to get out. That pains me.


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Nov 9, 2008
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Well, then maybe its the lack of rain that has him in a twist! :D

Isn't that the cutest thing? Noushka loves to bury and nap, or hide under leaves...but lately, if she's lying close to something, like a plant, she will sleep that way, even bask in a mini superman pose!

I hope he feels good thru out the rest of his meds! I know that's worrying...and no one likes a sick baby! I've thought of adding another low log hide (a real one--i have the high domed hamster ones) so she can climb (as Nigel loves to do!) Have you ever seen him flip himself? Or is he big enough now that its ok? He's about a month older than you know his exact hatch date?

I just loved his pics btw! He's a real looker :). I love Russians. If I get more torts, I will definitely have one someday! They have giant personalities!


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Dec 18, 2008
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I've seen him flip. I nearly had a heart attack when he was upsidedown in his water. He loves climbing his log, so we figured we'd make it safer with the ramps! He does it more now. I just wish he's stop trying to climb the walls though. That really makes me sad like I'm keeping him and he's not happy. I don't think the risk of flipping goes down with age. It might about even out since their balance improves, but their shells are usually less domed based on breed.

I really want a greek hatchling but Trevor's going to be an only tort. All I know is that he was hatched in August. I wish I knew more! Kinda regret I didn't wait to get him from a local breeder but I'd probably be getting him right around now.


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I almost bought one of Tim/Robin's pancake babies! It would have broke my bank though....I know the urge well! Kudos to you for holding on!

But you know, since you two are not into all sorts of other pets, maybe one more tort wouldn't be such a bad thing! :D Would definitely help with all that extra spring mix!

Are there pics up of his new setup? I'd love to see em, get some ideas!


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Dec 18, 2008
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We spoil him way too much to have another one. He has half our dining room! No idea where we would even put a second enclosure. My fiance says he gets to pick our next pet. He wants a dog, but we have to have a yard first...

Here's one I took today (screen shot of the webcam from work). My fiance has the camera so this is it for now. It shows his big burrow today, and the ramps which he bulldozed. hehe You can see most of it. All that is behind the camera is the cuttlebone and another plastic plant (I cut part of it off).

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