Do antibiotics decrease appetite?

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Aug 7, 2011
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So I took my 50lb male Sulcata to the vet on 6/1 due to an injury caused by my female (who I have since re-homed :( ). After 3 x-rays the Vet decided that he still could not say for sure that his leg was broken but was pretty sure it was. He also said that there could be an infection. I'm now giving him antibiotic injections every 48hrs (Enrofloxacin). He has not ate since. I do soak him in a large plastic I also added Pedialyte. He took a quick sip but that was it. I have to go back to the Vet in a little over a week for a recheck....Vet said we may just have to have the leg amputated if he still is not using it at all. Is it normal for a Sulcata to have a decreased appetite on antibiotics? Any other suggestions? On top of his injury I'm also dealing emotionally with having to re-home my female. I know it was for the best but it doesn't make it any easier :( It's a sad time around this house. Thank you for any input.

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tiff3grl said:
So I took my 50lb male Sulcata to the vet on 6/1 due to an injury caused by my female (who I have since re-homed :( ). After 3 x-rays the Vet decided that he still could not say for sure that his leg was broken but was pretty sure it was. He also said that there could be an infection. I'm now giving him antibiotic injections every 48hrs (Enrofloxacin). He has not ate since. I do soak him in a large plastic I also added Pedialyte. He took a quick sip but that was it. I have to go back to the Vet in a little over a week for a recheck....Vet said we may just have to have the leg amputated if he still is not using it at all. Is it normal for a Sulcata to have a decreased appetite on antibiotics? Any other suggestions? On top of his injury I'm also dealing emotionally with having to re-home my female. I know it was for the best but it doesn't make it any easier :( It's a sad time around this house. Thank you for any input.

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I don't have much experience with Sulcatas and antibiotics but in my other experience with several other species, yes, antibiotics decrease appetite.

Maybe a second opinion is in worries me the vet can't tell if the leg is broken or not. I'm not a vet what-so-ever, just a opinion.

Hope everything works out!

Kathy Coles

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I know pain will decrease appetite. Our torts really don't have any way to tell us about that though.


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Aug 7, 2011
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Unfortunately he will not extend his leg. The Vet tried 3 different x-rays but said that it looks like a break but it's right where the edge of the shell is. He said the only other option is to sedate my tortoise in 2 weeks if he still isint using it. This way he can pull the leg out. The first visit cost me over $300. He said if he has to sedate the meds alone can cost up to $250 since a tortoise his size is hard to sedate. Plus I'll have to add another $130 for another x-ray. And then I can only image what it would cost to amputate. It's just a sad situation. But more than anything I feel bad for him. He just limps around and that's only when I wake him up to soak. Otherwise he would just sleep.

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I was given oral pain meds but I can't get him to eat so he hasn't received any.

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Okay, so sounds like a bum deal all the way around....BUUUT the good thing is ---you are dealing with a resilient creature...designed to endure take a deep breath.

IN MY HUMBLE OPINION; I would not soak the entire tort in a body of water just yet---especially if there is an open/icky wound---I would instead get a big ole squeezy bottle;

fracture site and surrounding tissue should be cleaned with dilute chlorhexidine, betadine, or saline. A wet-to-dry bandage
may be placed over the injury to further decontaminate the wound

Was your tort rammed or just bitten? I bet that if he was rammed and chased around then he could possible have muscle/ligament damage and I would soooo not let an amateur vet (referring to amateur with tortoise) so much as suggest chopping off a leg of a large species tort as yours.....I would give your tort some time to relax a bit and de stress----I also would give him some down time so he can chill....he has been violently attacked and you did the proper thing in offering a quiet option for them both by setting up two different homes----pairs are a difficult place for harmony to live....

I would let your torts actions speak to other words, an amputation is a hugely stressful invasive procedure that in itself can take a terrible toll on the quiet, giving him ample time to come around and show you what he will do ---to me---is what I would do....


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I've seen people glue (I'm sure you could find something only semi-permanent for now) a wheel to the bottom of the shell in lieu of a leg when it's been amputated. Is that something you could do now, to help take the stress off of your torts injured leg and help him get around? IDK at all if that would work in his enclosure, etc, but just an idea...

And yes, when I gave my tort antibiotics when he was sick, I saw a decrease in appetite


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Aug 7, 2011
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I don't see any evidence of him being bit. I know for a fact that she was ramming him because I witnessed it on multiple occasions and had to separate. This being the reason that I re-homed my 60lb female. I miss her so much! As for the injury it occurred about a month ago but I was hoping it would heal on its own and didn't take him to the Vet right away. Unfortunately it did not. There is no wound other that some scraping that looks like it has healed/dried over. I'm pretty sure that was from her ramming and his leg scraping on the shell. The Vet has multiple large Sulcatas of his own so I have trust in what he has said. Although I do wish we knew for sure if it was broken or not. I do agree that I need to wait it out and see if he gets better rather than rushing to amputation. Thank you for all of your input. Any suggestions for a broken heart :( I can't stop thinking about my female and wondering what she is doing and if she is happy.

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Have the vet get a radiology consult! Than you'll know if it's broken. Request it or take your Xrays to a vet hospital that hires a radiologist to do ultrasound who can read the xrays for a fee. If they are digital it can be done via the internet even easier. We do it every day. Baytril will decrease appetite in many tortoises. May consider switching to Tazicef which won't.


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My vet has access to a 'vet only' information database with a chat component. Whenever we come across something we need further consultation on she posts it and receives advice. For example, when a rescue Sulcata came in with a huge urolith she posted the x-ray to the group and we received many suggestions from vets.

I'm sure your vet has access to something like it.


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You would need digital images for that database we belong to that network. Great resource for stuff like this.


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Aug 7, 2011
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UPDATE: First off I want to thank everyone for their input and suggestions. I haven't been on in a couple days do to everything going on. I do have great news though. Buddy ate today for the first time in 8 days :) Also.....he is walking and using his hind leg for the first time in over a month. He took his first steps on his injured leg about an hour ago and has been using it ever since. He isint putting all of his weight on it but I'm so exciting.....finally something good after so much bad!

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Yayyyyyy!...a month in human time seems along period...but for a tort who has been traumatized by being beat up on as well as sustaining an injury in those attacks....a month is not long at good going by not letting the leg be chopped off....that is would have been horrible.....

Now that he is rolling as a solo tort (which is natural for most of their life) and not having constant stress, you will likely notice his personality develop in a fun way...good job ;)

Broken heart remedy? Just look at his recovery from the situation he was in....that should bring a smile to your face and your heart should feel good with the rehoming family that your bossy lady tort is now residing at--also some comfort in knowing that she no longer has to walk around being aggressive all day....good all around, right? :D


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If you don't mind me asking, why didn't you just build a divider in the pen?


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Tortoises do everything slowly. I agree with Angela that it could have been a ligament or contusion that was just that achy. Who can eat when they are so sore? Also, antibiotics, as in "anti" (against, contrary) and "bio" (life) ... so no bad bacteria with antibiotics ... and no good bacteria either as collateral damage. Can you get your hands on some Benebac (beneficial bacteria) to help your tortoise get some good bacteria back in to help his immune system. I also like to use Reptaid. And good quality yogurt from the health food store. Lot of stress and trauma, needs additional support. But so cool that the baby is coming around, healing. So sorry you went through this. Oh, and for people stress I love the Bach Flower Rescue Remedy. Swear by it. Actually, what am I saying, I have used it on my pets, too. You may want to do your own research and see if it is a consideration to have on hand.


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Aug 7, 2011
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Sorry for the late response.....just still hard getting on after having to re-home. I'm looking in to getting some Benebac....unfortunately he still isint eating too much. Just a bite here and there. The abx are completed though so I'm hoping to see a increase in appetite. The good thing is he does move from one spot in the yard to another now rather than just laying in the same spot. As for why I didn't just put a divider....well even though I have a large backyard the shade, water, grass for grazing is mainly on one side of the yard. My only option to make it fair for both of them and to give them what they needed would have taken close to a hundred bricks and I'm not sure if it even would have worked. Trust me though, I question my decision on a daily basis. I just wish I could see her and know for sure she is doing good. I think I would have taken a different route with re-homing if I would have had more time to think about it. Guess I went in to panic mode with the injury. Thank you all again though! I'll post pics when the eggs from my female hatch....the eggs help me feel like I still have a piece of her with me :)

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