vet recommendation

  1. S

    Baby tortoise back leg ROTTING. PLEASE HELP

    My baby red foot tortoise is having problems with her back leg. I’m scared a lizard might have attacked her while in her enclosure outside. Her back right leg is completely missing claws and the skin is peeling off. I’ve been washing the area with baby soap and applying Betadine solution and...
  2. BabyMo

    Vet recommendation Please help

    Hello everyone! I'm a new owner of leopard tortoises. One of them has very watery poop. It was never a solid stool. It looks like he has diarrhea. It's been a month now. I want to get a fecal test just to be safe. Would you guys recommend any vets that you guys are familiar with...
  3. Zenpsyche

    New Hermann’s Tortoise questions 🐢

    Hi ya’ll!!! I am somewhat new to this forum but I’ve been doing a lot of research over the past months… Last week I got a new amazing Hermans tortoise from a really sweet privately owned pet shop. I’m guessing he is about a year and a half to two years old. He’s about 5 inches in length. The...
  4. C

    Runny Nose, Possible RI, to vet or not to vet?

    Hey all! Skrink's mom, back at it again with the worrying. Skrink is about 8 months old now. Since we got him in January he has grown by about one inch in length and 127 grams in weight. He has daily soaks, good food, good temps. For the last 2-3 weeks I have noticed he has a wet nose. Not...