sulcata diet

  1. A

    1 year and a half old sulcata

    Hi everyone. I have a one year and a half old sulcata. I have been feeding him pallets containing cacti, chrysanthemum flower and roses as it's main ingredients. I also give him some fruit pellets and vegetables occasionally. I am thinking of changing his diet to hay but not sure what type or if...
  2. Jayme_3

    Mazuri tortoise diet

    I’ve seen many talk about feeding their tort Mazuri and read nothing but good things, but when I peaked at the ingredients listed on the back I couldn’t bring myself to buy it for my little one.. maybe I’m just being a crazy tort mom ? but I’m not sure soybean meal, rice flour, corn gluten meal...
  3. E

    My sulcata will not eat it’s prepared diet

    I have a 2.5 month old silcata tortoise and I got it some mazuri ls tortoise diet and it will not eat it. Don’t get me wrong the sulcata will eat anything else I offer it including hibiscus flowers and leaves, fruit and grass sometimes. Could i get any advice on what to do!?
  4. K

    How much does a 25-35 y.o. Sulcata need to eat?

    Hi, I've been a Sulcata mom for 4 days. We got the 20 minute limited introduction and info from the sellers of our new house before they departed. The Sulcatas were supposed to be gone when we took possession; that was the plan, but "the guy" didn't come get them. I am interested in keeping...