
  1. K

    My pet turtles (fresh water) looking for a new home

    My family raised 3 turtles since they were smaller than a dollar coin for over 15 years. They are the members of my family. I want to bring them along with us to overseas. However, the border of the country we are going to doesn't allow some animals to be imported including turtles...
  2. A

    Moving to the US from Canada with a Greek Tortoise

    I'm currently in the process of moving to Florida from Montreal (Quebec, Canada) to live with my fiancée via a K-1 Visa. My tortoise, by the name of Turtle, will definitely be coming with me :) I contacted the US Fish and Wildlife department and also am in touch with the CITES Canadian...
  3. Sallythehermanntortoise

    New tortoise mummy

    Hello group! I'm new to the community and being a tortoise mum. Meet Sally, she turned one in march, she's a Hermann tortoise who's full of character. I've had her since February and I'm totally in love with her 😍 Any advice I would love to hear..
  4. F

    Herc the sulcata !!

    Newbie Here !! Franklin Hercules The Third. (The kids named him lol) We call him Herc ! He was given to me through a friend (the guy who had him could no longer keep him) ive had him with me for three years now ! A beautiful estimated 90lb (Hes HEAVY) Sulcata. Hes about 9 years old if the info...
  5. cristina lazaro

    My 4 ur old and my boxie

    Hey all I know that turtles in general are not privy to being handled unnecessarily. We brought this turtle home as our pet and my four-year-old wants to play with her, I let her know that turtles are not too into being picked up… But I do let her place her in front of the food bowl and usually...
  6. G

    Horsefield gender difference

    Hello I would love if someone would tell me how to tell the gender of a baby horsefield tortoise I got a baby horsefield in August when it was aged about 7 months and would love to know it's gender if anyone could help me :)