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  1. Beatrice2013

    Cleaning enclosure?

    Hello, What is the best way to clean a Russian tortoise enclosure? I have a laminate wood tortoise table. I'm worried about using bleach or other chemicals. Are there any natural products that work well like vinegar? Thank you!!
  2. Beatrice2013

    Irregular shell growth- PLEASE HELP!!

    She measures 7". If the enclosure is too small is it a good idea to allow her to wander around in a safe enclosed room? The weather in my area does not permit me to keep her outside throughout the year. I have also adjusted the temperature. The basking area is now 100 degrees. Can soaking be...
  3. Beatrice2013

    Irregular shell growth- PLEASE HELP!!

    Thank you so much for replying so quickly! I have been very concerned. Here are a couple photos of her enclosure/ lighting. The enclosure is 48x30". Off to the right is an enclosed Hide area where she sleeps. The himidity is about 30%. Do you have a recommendation for a good thermometer? I use...
  4. Beatrice2013

    Irregular shell growth- PLEASE HELP!!

    I have a 4 year old female Russian tortoise. Her shell growth appears very irregular to me and I'm not sure what to do. For a while I thought this must be normal but now I'm starting to get concerned. I feed her greens (kale, collards (occasionally), endive, radicchio, mustard, etc) never...