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  1. C

    Is this normal shedding?

    Update: This morning 10 minutes after the heat lamp turned on he started going for the left over food from yesterday. I threw some more in and he devoured it. Soaked him and he was much more active and alert. Yay! I'll try out the natural sunlight tomorrow, overcast and raining today. Thanks!
  2. C

    Is this normal shedding?

    Vet took xrays and bloodtest. Xray looks fine. Blood test shows protein deficiency. He also go vitamin and calcium injections. But now he seems very tired and sleeps all day. Thankfully is appetite is still there and he attacks food. But he goes to sleep right after eating. He even closes...
  3. C

    Is this normal shedding?

    Beak is definitely overgrown. No cuttlebone but I've started with the calcium supplements. I feed him every day. But I was only soaking him once a week up until 2 weeks ago -- now do it every day.
  4. C

    Is this normal shedding?

    Found the caresheet and made an appt with the vet. The woman at pet store said it hasn't been shedding enough -- probably because I only soak once a week and enclosure has no water. But will take to vet to be sure.
  5. C

    Is this normal shedding?

    Diets is mixed letttuce you buy in a box at grocery store (greens, red, arugula, chicory, etc). I haven't given him supplements in a months... what should I be giving him? Calcium + D3? No recent vet visits. Actually never taken him to a vet in his 17 years.
  6. C

    Is this normal shedding?

    I've had my Hermani for about 17 years. I'm not sure I've seen shedding quite like this -- maybe I'm paranoid? He seems to be drinking a lot lately -- I soak him every 1-2 days and he seems to be drinking a lot. Otherwise, he's active and eating and defecating. One thing I've neglected in...
  7. Costa's Hermani

    Costa's Hermani
