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  1. Tanker+poe

    Possible respiratory infection?

    Ok, thank you
  2. Tanker+poe

    Possible respiratory infection?

    My temps are 82-84 all over, with basking at 95ish and humidity at 70-80. He eats great, and I've been giving him 15-20 min soaks 3 times a week.
  3. Tanker+poe

    Possible respiratory infection?

    Hey ya'll, Ever sense I got poe, 2 weeks ago he breaths very heavy. The vet noticed but figured it was stress related. It hasn't really gone down (at least when ever I look at him) today I also noticed a little squeek coming with it. He has no goop at all. Should I panic?
  4. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Today I took Poe to the vet. She absolutely loved his cute little personality. She recommends leaving his fractured beak alone for now bc he would have to be sedated and she's not sure if his health is well enough. She also said that there is fibrous tissue keeping his fractured beak aligned...
  5. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Thank you for your help!
  6. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Hello fellow tortoise lovers, I'm not necessarily new to the forum, I have a russian tort named tanker- I've had him for 5yrs. Yesterday I rescued a tortoise from a very neglectful environment. The previous owner said he was a leopard tortoise, but im not certain anymore. Any thoughts? Btw hes...
  7. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Is he a leopard?
  8. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Heres some baby pics I was given from the previous owner. Im so glad to have them!! What a handsome little fella!
  9. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

  10. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Now that im in his corner, ill I'll never leave! Its It's amazing how quickly you can love something.
  11. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Thank you, I was so worried about my new little guy, I just want him healthy and happy!
  12. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    heres his carapace. Hes got serious pyramiding.
  13. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Heres a better picture of his poor beak. Dont mind all the cococoir, hes never experienced it before and is having fun!
  14. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Is that going to cause him to not be able to eat? Ill I'll take him tomorrow to the vet.
  15. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Does anyone know what I should do about his beak, when he opens his mouth it moves a little.
  16. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    So you think I should wait to take him to the vet? Im gonna go out and buy a higher wattage uvb bulb a chi and a tub with a lid. So the humidity stays in.
  17. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Ok. Thats great to know!
  18. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Ok. Thank you for your help. Im bringing him to the vet tomorrow, so I'll post what happened here.
  19. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Thank you so much for the info. I'm in Syracuse ny right now, but im planning to move to georgia in about 6 months. I could not leave him there in his condition. Any thoughts about his beak?
  20. Tanker+poe

    New leopard, help please (broken beak)

    Awww so cute