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  1. A

    Weed Identification?

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me identify this weed. It's all over my yard and I wanted to know if its safe for my sulcata to eat? In the yard.... Individual Leaf...
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    Are Aerogarden grown plants safe?

    So I grow mustard in my aerogarden already. I was wondering if this is safe to share with my new sulcata. You add plant food once every couple weeks... They also sell a "grow anything"...
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    Unexpected baby Sulcata - Advice?

    Ok, so I've been browsing threads and advice and webpages all day and I think my eyes are starting to cross. I'm sure that there are answers to my questions out there on this forum somewhere, but I was hoping to have everything in one place for my own convenience. Sorry for length! So, a little...