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    Weed Identification?

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me identify this weed. It's all over my yard and I wanted to know if its safe for my sulcata to eat? In the yard.... Individual Leaf...
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    Are Aerogarden grown plants safe?

    So I grow mustard in my aerogarden already. I was wondering if this is safe to share with my new sulcata. You add plant food once every couple weeks... They also sell a "grow anything"...
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    Unexpected baby Sulcata - Advice?

    This is what I ended up building. I went to a salvage place and got some kitchen cabinet doors and a sheet of plywood. All in all it cost me about $10. It measures 3 feet by 1.5 feet. I plan to mount the lamps inside the enclosure as per the closed chamber thread advice. Any suggestions...
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    Unexpected baby Sulcata - Advice?

    Pic as promised! And thank you again Tom, I'll do that!
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    Unexpected baby Sulcata - Advice?

    Thank you Tom for the advice! Yes, as soon as it's warm enough the little guy will get plenty of real sun! And word from the vet is that he is dehydrated, they recommended daily soaks for a week and then bring him back in to reevaluate. He is malnourished, they recommended feeding mazuri soaked...
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    Unexpected baby Sulcata - Advice?

    Thank you all so much for the information. Those threads are going to live in my bookmarks! I'm definitely switching my plan to a closed chamber style enclosure and I've picked up a couple little cups of the wheat grass from the grocery store to feed him until the seed mixes I ordered arrive...
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    Unexpected baby Sulcata - Advice?

    Ok, so I've been browsing threads and advice and webpages all day and I think my eyes are starting to cross. I'm sure that there are answers to my questions out there on this forum somewhere, but I was hoping to have everything in one place for my own convenience. Sorry for length! So, a little...