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  1. sarah05chiariello

    help Inactive tortoise.

    yes we checked temps was getting a little hotter in her new home with her 100 watt light like you said, change of weather...and since we put our 10month old Russian into a new and bigger pin we gave him our adult Russians light and gave our female his 50 watt light so temps are just about...
  2. sarah05chiariello

    help Inactive tortoise.

    Thanks. definitely something we are in the process of planning but can't start it till we move into our new house. could possibly make something temporary till we move. I read you can attach two of the zoo med houses together could that possibly be big enough till we move and keep it outside?
  3. sarah05chiariello

    help Inactive tortoise.

    we got a new enclosure for our 4 year old Russian nikka. its called a tortoise house by zoo med. she seemed ok and liked it for the first month. But the past few weeks now she's been staying in her hide she won't eat or sun bath we wake her slowly at least once a week to bath her a put fresh...
  4. sarah05chiariello

    What's best for my Russian

    Awesome thanks for the help will look into those :)
  5. sarah05chiariello

    What's best for my Russian

    So we have been looking around online for some type of seeds to plant and grow for our Russians to graze on. They listed alot of different things that Im not to familiar with any help on which ones would be best for our tortoises?? A few they listed.. crimson clover, Red clover, Creeping red...
  6. sarah05chiariello

    Our little guy.

    Are baby Russian is now 7 months old he's the cutiest little thing ever..he comes to our voices and is so happy and thriving. He has grown up so much since we got him. His marking are coming in so awesome look.
  7. sarah05chiariello

    Turtles in sync

    O really. How funny!! We dont give our adult dandelions that often shes picky sometimes. but it was the babies first time having some. The little guy loves everything its cute!!
  8. sarah05chiariello

    Turtles in sync

    We have two russians a 8 month old baby and an adult russian both in there own enclosures on opposite sides of our room. We picked some dandelions for them and placed them in there enclosures for when they woke up. At the same exact time they both wake up, must have smelt the weeds. They came...
  9. sarah05chiariello

    Is my baby Russians shell look healthy??

    So it is pyramiding?? Thanks for the help will try that out :)
  10. sarah05chiariello

    How does your tortoise sleep??

    Our new baby nono. [hr] Also nono
  11. sarah05chiariello

    Ninja Killer!

    So fricken ninja!! Hahah adorable!!
  12. sarah05chiariello

    Russian Tortoise food

    This was so helpful. Been trying to think/ look into more to feed our babies and read this and it helped alot!!
  13. sarah05chiariello

    Another Dog Story...

    So sad i literly started crying!! So sorry. Our dogs are the same way but i would never leave them alone....thought i was just a paranoid mama...
  14. sarah05chiariello

    Nono our 6mo. Old Russian.

    Nono just finished eating then burrowed few mins later herd mom come home and came out. So cute! He's already so accustomed to our voices.
  15. sarah05chiariello

    How much do i need to feed my baby Russian??

    We have a powersun bulb that throws off heat, uvb and uva. I feed him a small handful twice a day.
  16. sarah05chiariello

    How much do i need to feed my baby Russian??

    We have a 6 month old Russian tortoise i see him sometimes trying to eat things in his enclosure am i not feeding him enough.? How much is a healthy amount for the baby to be feed?
  17. sarah05chiariello

    Is my baby Russians shell look healthy??

    Sorry for the confusion but the baby Russians name is nono both me and loquets. When we got the baby his shell was already arching like that didn't know if it was because he's a baby or something is wrong.
  18. sarah05chiariello

    Is my baby Russians shell look healthy??

    There housed seperatly and both bought from breeders.. But we did let them meet for the first time they had nothing to do with eachother..
  19. sarah05chiariello

    Is my baby Russians shell look healthy??

    Is this a better one of his eyes? Can't take one now he's [hr] This is our baby nono and are 4 year old female nika when they first met.
  20. sarah05chiariello

    Is my baby Russians shell look healthy??

    Around what looks like growth rings has white fungul looking stuff...idk if you can see in the pic unless you zoom in..biting at you is normal baby stuff??