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  1. George red foot


    I've bought a small mouse for my red foot, I'm not sure if I will like to watch it though!
  2. George red foot

    Plants in enclosure

    They sure do!
  3. George red foot

    Plants in enclosure

    Thanks for all the advice guys! My tort is a real character and like to knock everything over!
  4. George red foot

    Plants in enclosure

    Thank you so much prairie mom! All that advice was so helpful and I will be using lots of your techniques! I LOVE that last picture! Your enclosure looks great! Thanks again!
  5. George red foot

    Red foots and animal protein?

    Cool, I'll try that, thank you I always have a calcium block in his enclosure but he tends to ignore it!
  6. George red foot

    Plants in enclosure

    I'll try that, mine were in quite small plant pots
  7. George red foot

    Red foots and animal protein?

    I fed my tort a pinky today for the first time! He loved it! Im considering giving him something a bit larger next time as he nearly swallowed this one whole!
  8. George red foot

    Plants in enclosure

    I've never been sure about dog food :/ I usually give him some cooked chicken
  9. George red foot

    Plants in enclosure

    Also I'm considering feeding him mice. I've seen people talk about it and I'm excited to give him a new taste. He's 9inches, would you stick to feeding him a pinky? Or would you try something a bit larger?
  10. George red foot

    Plants in enclosure

    Thank you I've just made my enclosure larger and he seems much happier but still enjoys pulling plants over
  11. George red foot

    New enclosure advice

    Thank you
  12. George red foot


    I want to give my red foot a mouse. What size would people recommend for a 9inch red foot? Would you stick to pinkies?
  13. George red foot

    New enclosure advice

    I've tried to put plants in my enclosure but my tortoise keeps pulling them out there pots or knocking them over and walking all over them. How do you keep your plants in your tortoises enclosure?
  14. George red foot

    Plants in enclosure

    I put mine in a plant pot and he pulled it straight over and pulled the plant out of the pot completely lol
  15. George red foot

    Plants in enclosure

    Hi I've recently tried adding some plants to my tortoises indoor enclosure, but every time I add plants he eats them straight away or knocks them over and walks all over them. Any tips on how to keep plants inside your enclosure?
  16. George red foot

    New enclosure advice

    Wow I'd love to have more but unfortunately I haven't got the space!
  17. George red foot

    New enclosure advice

    My garden is pretty big. I only have one red foot and I get him out quite often in the house but I constantly watch because of the wires. I want to do everything I can to make the vivarium as big as poss. I would love to make a whole room available for him, but it's not possible at the moment...
  18. George red foot

    New enclosure advice

    Coventry. Do you have redfoots? If so how many and do you have a pic of their enclosure! I want to make mine as exciting as possible
  19. George red foot

    New enclosure advice

    England- the midlands, you?
  20. George red foot

    New enclosure advice

    The uk so the climate is rubbish!