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  1. B

    Day-to-day diet questions!

    I finally got a four year old female Russian tortoise! Yay! Unfortunately, she has been fed pretty bland food her whole life. They gave me some ZooMed paste that looked and smelled like Playdoh. All they fed her was that, tortoise cereal, and occasionally romaine lettuce. They also had her on...
  2. B

    Tegu substrate

    Yes, a five foot cage will make a small tegu feel insecure. We would like to avoid that, especially when they can be so hard to tame. The wild is a completely different place from captivity. Baby tegus in the wild are noticeably more aggressive and easily frightened because they have an entire...
  3. B


    Thank you everyone! :) I'll be sure to post some tegu pics. He loves the camera hehe
  4. B


    Hi! My name is Catherine. I'm looking into getting my first tortoise soon. That said, I have several years of experience with other reptiles. I have owned upwards of ten snakes and several lizards. Currently, I own an Argentine black & white tegu who is an absolute eating machine. I also own a...