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  1. Jerhanner

    I Just Inherited a Leopard Tortoise and...

    I found the camera! You should have pics tomorrow evening. I spent some time really digging around on line about leos today, and I actually found some sites that say it's ok to feed leos fruit... I mean, I'm a total beginner here, but there was stuff posted some places that even I knew was...
  2. Jerhanner

    I Just Inherited a Leopard Tortoise and...

    Today was the first day he ate his pellet mash with no spring greens mixed in! And he pooped. Life is good.
  3. Jerhanner

    All screwed up

    Man oh man, Horta just let go after 2 weeks of no poop and it was quite the scene. I'm in the same boat - he had been getting almost a daily laxitive in his old house! After much posturing he finally started eating pellets instead of greens every day. I hadn't heard about soaking being a cure...
  4. Jerhanner

    I Just Inherited a Leopard Tortoise and...

    Nope, cause we just moved into a new house and I have no idea which box contains my camera. Picture, if you will, a screen held up by cinder blocks, with reptile lamp (UV) on top of it, illuminating an 18"x18" flat rock. Next to it you'll see a food dish (pellets today), a water dish, and a...
  5. Jerhanner

    I Just Inherited a Leopard Tortoise and...

    He's in a room that gets pretty warm; I have no idea how warm. It's too warm for me! I found some plans for an enclosure on line that I'm gonna build as soon as we can afford it. For now, he's doing better than the drafty cold house he used to live in. Perhaps this is why his pooping was...
  6. Jerhanner

    So upset over what I saw at Petco today

    I was fooled by a sleeping turtle once, too - my boss told me to go look at the 'dead' snapping turtle behind our building. I swear, there were ants crawling all over it, eyes wide open, etc. I jumped 10' when it moved.
  7. Jerhanner

    I Just Inherited a Leopard Tortoise and...

    Fear not about a cold floor - we've got him in our basement with a nice unfinished wood floor that we scoured for any foreign objects. But I will be building an enclosure! He likes to hang out behind the dehumidifier - I guess cause it's a dry warm breeze??
  8. Jerhanner

    I Just Inherited a Leopard Tortoise and...

    He doesn't have a "set up" yet. I hope no one flames me, but we let him cruise around our rec room floor, but he has a nice big rock & lights in a corner. The people from whom I saved him told me his poo was black, and had to be scraped up witha spatula. But then again, they weren't feeding...
  9. Jerhanner

    Please get a clue!!

    Personally, I'm glad this place exists even if I am a newbie whose first post was "I rescued a Leo, now what do I do?" There was soooooo much contradictory stuff on line I wasn't sure what to believe! The stuff I've read here has been really helpful and educational, and has help me feel that...
  10. Jerhanner

    I Just Inherited a Leopard Tortoise and...

    Just out of curiosity, when is he going to poop? Is he constipated from having his diet switched to something approaching normal? I've heard tort poop is extra-stinky, so I know he hasn't gone somewhere without my knowing.
  11. Jerhanner

    I Just Inherited a Leopard Tortoise and...

    Meg90, I have no pictures but I can tell you he looks like a walking pyramid display. I know that's a bad thing too! When the hubby and I saw the pictures of what he's SUPPOSED to look like I almost cried. Hopefully diet will help. I probably shouldn't even tell you that the whack jobs I...
  12. Jerhanner

    I Just Inherited a Leopard Tortoise and...

    am somewhat at a loss regarding feeding. The person from whom I 'rescued' him told me to only feed him once a week, and all I had to do was give him a bag of frozen veggies. 5 minutes of research on line soon showed me that was a bad idea. But alas, the internet has also told me that...