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  1. P

    Shell Curling

    yeah dat highlighted area was what i was talking about. Well i have been feeding for about and hour every other day so i dont really think its overfeeding and their isnt an other signs of not being healthy.
  2. P

    Shell Curling

    yes it is similar to the back in the second picture
  3. P

    Shell Curling

    i only own a camera phone so that is the best photo i can get. It is probably visibly unoticable anyway, but i can feel it running a finger along the edge of the shell
  4. P

    Shell Curling

    the pic is a bit blurry but you can make it out on the front
  5. P

    Shell Curling

    Hi, I have noticed a small amount of curling at the corner of my russian torts shell. He is being fed on salad and weeds with vitamin supplements so i am sure it isnt excess protein is their any other reasons for this? and if so how can it be fixed? Thanks
  6. P


    very recently (within the last few days) the hottest spot it at 27 celcius down to room temp at the coldest end I have began reducing the temp gradually bt i have leveld it off 4 the mo incase he wont be able to hibernate
  7. P


    I have had my russian for about 9 months. When i was preparing him to hibernate i noticed he wasnt BM as regularly as he used to. He is in a tortoise table with a 5% UVB and 100watt heat spot. I am using a playsand/Topsoil substrate and feeding mainly salad greens with calcium supplements. Can...