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  1. K

    Russian tortoise

    Oh really thankyou ill look into it
  2. K

    Russian tortoise

    Yeah I'm aware of this! I'm a massive fan of kamp kenan lol,but yeah I was thinking the same recently as if she was to have any major problems where could I take her? So I'm definitely going to have to research this! As she's my pride and joy! And I only want the best for her.
  3. K

    Russian tortoise

  4. K

    Russian tortoise

    I only put the sand down as I wasn't happy with her being on concrete,it's also spread along wood chippings,as a substrate for her,I was thinking of asking a vet but I'm not to sure on who I could ask in my area tbh,
  5. K

    Russian tortoise

    I've just joined this group! But was wondering if anyone had advice on my Russian tortoises nails? My three year old spends almost all of summer out doors in the sunshine,and obviously indoors in the rain,but her nails are getting really long even know she spends 6 months of the year outside on...